another yber journal...

*chan /b/ > cF journals

Not Yet Another Newfag!
I dont get it:D
Micael you are a nerd. :c
There are many reasons why someone would call me a nerd, witch one did you chose?
image: screenshot2sz2
+ your profile & pedo story ;-)

but you are funny imo :p
Funny nerds > *
i find it kinda frightening that i understand what you mean. A "normal" human being who doesnt sit 23/7 behind the pc wouldnt get it
Newfag breaks #1 and #2.
I dont get it :D
inb4 kAm1's newfag lecture
this shit is killing my eyes
I occasionally browse xfire. Yes you heard me right, occasionally. And every mother fucking time I do browse this piece of shit site I see 4chan related garbage I thought died off 2 years ago. If any of you faggots can give me one good reason why you retards HAVE to post this shit outside of the shit hole you believe is your home, please let me know, because I'm not really seeing the point. Does this make you feel cool? Does this make you feel superior to the average internet user? I can't believe you faggots still haven't noticed you've been worshipping a dead board while raping its corpse into fucking oblivion, great fucking fun, aren't you the superior internet warrior. I pray for your disgusting existence to go back to the abomination you came from, I come here to read gaming news, not to see you idiots spout your moronic memes. Believe me, I have been trying my best to ignore it. I've been discussing your faggotry with several people and this is what I personally think of you. FUCK YOU.
nice try hal
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