does that work?

is this is a used one, or a new one?
hahahhah you got a small penis :P
think about it, how should that work?
haha ...hahahahaha! xdxdxdxdxD
I have seen a test about that stuff on "wahre liebe" years ago. They said that it's possible to make it larger but 2-3 cm at max and it takes a long time. But my English skills are too low to explain why and how it works.
someone's been doing their research ;)
Nah, it was just my porn light on German television years ago, when I didn't explored inet porn. :P
Dunno, test it, and pm me with the results plz!
Quote7" Penis Enlarger Pump

Most of us dont have any use for such a TOOL

Might work if your Penis is under 7 inches, let us know how you go on.

7" is not the length
It works only if it has a word "extra", "super", "hyper" or "mega" on it.
You know this from experience :D ?
That is a common fact, anything is better/awesome/reliable if it has one or more of those words.
im at work thank you very much
They do work, but only after x time using one, and the results aren't really significant (apparently)

caution. Penis can explode with this thing.
olo, my deepest condolences
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