X-Ray Showmatch?

Why no showmatch yet? Or anything else, just to test out X-Ray. I'd love to see people giving it a try. Or are you afraid that your haxes might get exposed?

Suggesting ephix vs. dESIRE!

edit: All those who say that it's pointless - if you don't trust PB anymore and there's new anticheat available, then why not give it a try now? Test it out to see how it works when used in matches, spot for possible bugs and shit.
Why not ?
ok the ones who don't want to pay 50-100 euros for a shitty operating system and use a free one instead are then automatically suspicous because they don't use x-ray or what?
because there is nothing to show? no-one would get caught, no-one would notice if the anticheat is used or not.
xray has already failed
And your judgement is based on?
en väittäs vastaa Mindille
OK you ran out of arguments.
Show me your xac-profile?
Good boy!
great idea :D fanboy !!! but olbaa and his gayfriend are too low :s <3
just do some 60vs60 war, all polaks
whats the point of a showmatch? Maybe if you invite dsky vs team kenta. Or even better, invite nC to play vs some random EC team.
i dont understand the screens x-ray did but np.
fuck lol.

you failed hard
We need a showmatch with some guys cheating on it. Some busted players could do it.
Take some polish "owners". There would be at least 1 bust 4sho :D
\visuals off
\humanized_bot on

bye xray :)
only cheaters in ephix
true, online only ieks
maybe with few exceptions
no linux support - no showmatch
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