Halp is needed!

my pc is still crashing few seconds/minutes after I launch ET. (no bluescreen but graphical artifacts and monitor is flickering oO)
it's most likely not a hardware problem because I can play for example Warsow without any problems or run some hardcore cpu/gfx/ram tests for several hours...
I already installed the latest drivers for mainboard, gfx-card, etc.

Pls halp me! :c

edit: format c: isn't an option because I already did it and it didn't help!
1st! <3
C'mon halp an addict!
an addict to? ;o

btw can I has halp 2?
addict = noun

anyway what can I do for you my dearest friend?
I has lots of new questions to ask you ma mastah!

anyway check your inbox :}
Id say install it on a different hard drive and see what happens
ye, I just thought about it as well. :D

but why does only ET crash? ;x
I dunno but it helps to change drive sometimes for whatever reason!
Did you changed your config or some settings the last days?
I'm using my old cfg and I think that a cfg can't crash a pc. o:'
Believe me, it can.
Make sure, that r_lastvalidrenderer is okay
com_hunkmegs might be solve your problem too
seta com_hunkMegs "500"
seta com_zoneMegs "32"
seta com_soundMegs "32"

and r_lastvalidrenderer is correct
okidoki, next question: Did you use external progs like xfire during you're starting ET?
no :s only the most important processes are running
It's kinda strange :o)
But it has something to do with your storage space I guess...

Mh, what about the size of your demo folder?
Are they any strange pk3 files in your /etmain /etpro folders? If yes, delete them.
nah, it's a clean install just after a format :p

edit: no demos, stats, screenshots, etc. only maps & config
Are they files like cgame_mp_x86.dll, qagame_mp_x86.dll, ui_mp_x86.dll, pak0.pk3, pak1.pk3 and pak2.pk3 in your /etmain folder?

Maybe this files are damaged and cause your errors. I'd try a complete reinstall. That means: reinstall, delete all folders. Install again, don't use old settings.
well, I formatted like 3 times and always downloaded ET so it has nothing to do with corrupted files :s

I'm clueless :<
lol okay, clueless too now :D
Try other graphic driver...I installed the newest nvidia driver lately and my ET was totally fucked: crazy colours everywhere, artifacts and what not. Worked again as soon as I got back to the old driver
try other drivers
drivers for what exactly? I already tried several gfx-card drivers (after a clean remove ofc)

edit: and the same driver + gfx-card was working with my old pc!
really it isn't a logical problem, it should be apparent in other gfx tests / games also. only thing I can think of is that ET is opengl and other games are directx, maybe that's where the problem lies
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