Halp, my et is fucked up :<

Hoi folks.

I just reinstalled my windows yesterday cos of new hardware (yeah which isn't working).
Installed video card driver and stuff.
But it seems something is wrong :<
image: shot0000oh9

- My gfx card isn't overheated.
- no overclock & smth like that

Oh and btw

image: whatthx7
Wtf is it when i installed GFX driver ? What did i forget ?

Help me please :)

Thanks in advance!

Best regards: adze!

EDIT: It works now, with the old nVidia drivers. Thank you all!
try old graphic driver, had exactly same probs with a new driver.
did you uninstall you last one completly?
obviously didn't install gfx driver properly. I suggest unistalling + reinstalling. If that doesn't work install an older version.
Mc Donald's :D

install other gfx-card drivers!
nice one....try newer drivers from net...
or try to disable integrated gfx in bios...
other way > format C:/
gl&hf :)
I have same problem with latest nvidia drivers :D clicky
ur fps look alright tho xD
Did you install the correct chipset drivers for your motherboard?
..to me that happened just after normal update of graphic card drivers.. check my comment picture.. my graphics are normal after installing older version of drivers.
edit: I also tried several times to reinstall new drivers with different methods.. but didnt help.
Did you try updating chipset drivers as well? There may be an incompatibility between the latest GFX and older chipset/AGP drivers.

Did you report the problem to nVidia/ATI?
the correct way of uninstalling drivers:

add / remove programs
uninstall driver
safe mode
use Driver Cleaner
restart to normal mode
install new drivers


did you do it like this?

also PCI device can be some card in your PCI slot, like a sound card, LAN card or whatever.. did you install the drivers that came with your motherboard?
My computer is HP package PC :D

and yes I know how to correctly reinstall drivers..:D and all versions before 169.21 works just fine.. (actually I can open control panel with 94.24 only :XD)
what OS (also say if it's 64 or 32bit) and what gfx card?
Windows XP Home Edition (32bit tho) and nVidia GeForce 6600 xdxd
kk, why use newer drivers if older ones work tho? is the fps bad or sth?
You can try these: http://www.tweakforce.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=147
i'm not sure if 174.70 works on that old of a card, i'm pretty sure it should though.
:D yeh idd.. but I thought to update drivers because I didnt have anything else to do.. and I have also bad or at least unstable fps :D I may give try to omega drivers.. or those.. :D I dont have much motivation to start to play with those now :D
well, the ones I gave you are x-g custom drivers, i use them and they're really good. they have good performance and might solve your graphics issue also.
new driver imo... the error of the hardware manager is uniquely defined
install rtcw

nah kidding, it's way WORSE
delete that ugly skin imo
And people say finnish language looks strange... €:
ich fick dich :C
omg hez gay now
hättse wohl gern du schwainesaubackendrecksack :C
maybe clean monitorok or processzorok

nah, just kiddin.

HAHA funny :o
this language is kewl :/
funniest language ever = sächsisch
what language was that supposed to be, slovenian or sth?
looks normal
i had the same problem when i installed riva tuner..

uninstall and restart
if you have it instaleld

if not

try and install the latest drivers..
have you tried a restart?
i like ur cfg
self bust
friend stop plis
i am still lolling about ur comment
"self bust". how original and funny.
stfu b4 i brek yo neck fkin punk dun mess wiv me n da boyz strait brap
looks nice...
monitorok, procesorok, mouseok, keyboardok :D
I wants those colors! tell my ur solution so I can do the oposite :D
Free chams ftw
be glad you have 125 fps >.>
yeah when i'm alone @ the map :D
great style love it <3
what's wrong you've got 125 fps ?
/exec autoexec
it rox
but no I wouldn't know how to change it :)
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