et patch error

When i download and instal ET patch 2.60 There occurs an error at the end of the instalation... The error proscribes: "Windows can't find the document C:\PROGRA~1\WOLFEN~\DOCS\V260_R~2.HTM, Controll if the name you have.. etc". After that the messages "Installation failed" appears...
Tried this with several ET downloads from different sources and also several patchsources. Can someone help me?
your uninstaller doesn't work and there are many unneeded files included.
anyway it's nice that some people still try to keep ET alive by developing this kind of app.
Ye, i initialy made it for 2.55players in my clan that wanted to play a 2.60b match and needed it quick style, made that in 5 minutes & wasnt rly bothering about un-needed files.
Did you try ETUI?
just download a new patch
been there done that 10 times

Downloading kashu's link, hope it will work, thx xx
Try my installer if all else fails, installs et 2.60b, etpro 3.2.6, and the scrim maps (cept karsiah as i forgot :()
yoyo it works, thx all, think it was something about wrong file saving (HTM/HTML)
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