m1ke cheating!

he was like giving crazy headshot, tracking through the wall and he was like proning and giving headshots? :o
what is wrong with this community, everybody started to cheat now!

normal stuff... to give crazy hs ofc
for you ofc xD but if you never do so you can think that they may cheat ^^
may idd! :pp

sup? <3
how do you know he is tracking through the wall? U HAS WH ASWELL?
no it was pretty obvious.. guy was like crouching behind the wall and suddenly he jumped out and knew where was he.. later checked on demos with those white spikes and shit
upload demos!
which match @ GamesTV?
cheating is co0o0o0o0o0o0o0ol these days
give me the demo or gtfo semir
edit: saw the demo, watching now.

seen the demo
all i can say is:

obvious hacker, tracking through walls perfectly, knowing where the enemy camps even if he isnt moving, etc
make movie !!!!!!!!!
this bust is better then the majority of the busts
crouching and giving headshots..
cheater for sure, lol rly
lol I ment proning
aaahh proning .. reminds me of the good old days that you just had to go Eng/rifle and prone and pwnzor everyone (ati could this so good)... miss these times
holz and night @ prone on mouse1
i still prone sometimes when it comes to 1v1, it's fun and others aren't used to it, so me > them.
nice proof!
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