aimbot !

doesn't work that good anymore

every time I press my mouse (and yes it has +attack) it doesn't shoot but 5 sec later it does, any people who can enlighten me to fix this ?

P.S.: it's for Belgium crooked, it would be a miracle if I get +10 hs
maybe that the mouse is broken or something like that :O
its not the mouse for sure
no killerboy, first you make avi's THEN they can ban him !
stfu -.-
try other forum
hehe tx :)

Ye its rly weird, feels like im lagging all the time... but my ping is 48 most of the time. Some occasional lagspikes though.

I also keep bumping into ppl :/
Got vsync on?
Disable it, should fix it if it's input lag (sounds like it)

pls halp meh! :c

and it's not a gfx-card drivers problem!
no ofc not :)
seems to be a connection problem, but outside of ET my connection is fine. And i have it on every server
well if ur ping is fine its not connection lag.
is your lagometer good?

I still say it's input lag caused by a really crappy LCD
maybe usb port is fucked up
is it a g5?
had that shit with my old g5 too 8D
before it totally stopped working
yeh, was retarded..

just bought a new one though 8)
ive sent my back to logitech and got even a new one with the 2 buttons :P
mx518, but its more like lag, although it doesnt seem to respond properly either
new mouse?
switch to summertime -.-
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