need OS

need a nice OS dont care as long as it supports my 8800 GT because now that i need to activate windows and i dont have a key i cant log in and there seems to be some sort of problem with ubuntu not detecting my 8800 GT

so i need another OS, give me some links pl0x <3

+ good morning everybody :)

got a math exam today so izi bash, yesterday was chemistry... not so izi bash :<
Windows xp
Hello s1xtus!
Windows xp
windows xp costs like 50€...
8800GT works fine with nix, just sort it out.
Or get a crack(ed) Micro$oft OS
yeah was kinda too lazy to search for an answer, got it fixed now
If you don't like Microsoftsystems so far try Knoppix or Kanotix, even OpenSUSE should do the job.
Just looks for the rpm packages ( Knoppix/Kanotix) or install the driver with YaST (SUSE). Fedora is a fine choice, too, they are izi to use, pirut will help u install the drivers.
If you are an advanced Linux user Slackware should be your choice, fast and stable! (32bit) You may have to install the drivers manually, as most things are done manually in this distro, but is it worth it.

well its not that i dont like windows but its always whining about stuff :D and i would be using ubuntu always if it would just properly detect my 8800 GT and sort the driver that should be used for it, and i did do a little search about the subject but couldnt really find something useful
Hm, didn't heard of such problems, the easiest way and probably the safest way to make ur stuff go is SUSE, there is just one click needed to install ur gfx card.
or maybe u give fedora a try it's really great and 32bit version worx really fine. Installing is quite as easy when ur used to use linux, wiki shopuld help you here - also there is a guide on perfect desktop for some distributions - mom

this is for ubuntustudio, maybe it can help, too (it should ^^)
i saw some stuff about envy, so i tried that didnt work before but well i tried again and it worked, so now everything is working on ubuntu and maybe ill reinstall xp another time later
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