new internet and guid change

Few day ago i changed my internet
Befoure i'v got usb modem, now i'v got internet with Ethernet cable
Is this possible that my guid was change?
Sry for engrish
guid = hardware, not internetZ
you are wrong!
if your mac address changed, then yes your guid may have changed

I wouldn't really worry about it... just update your guid on CB
is it possible to save your pbguid somewhere, in case youra bout to format or what ever?
Yeh, just save the etkey from etmain somewhere.
dont even know why i asked:S i did that last time i formatted:D
guids changes when you change internet.
maybe ETPRO IAC guid might change
your mac adress changed, so guid changed also
with me that wasnt work. Chnged my mac adresse 2 times and still have smae guid. Juppi <3
might be
I formated once and my guid changed , :( ...
I got the most crappy thing ever

Sometimes I got 1 guid and then suddenly I have an other guid (it switches between these 2)

And 1 is shared with a lot of other guys (:S) and the other is personal and as clean as it gets

Dunno what caused it (I heard sth about preinstalled vista ?)

But anyway , its pretty shit :(

Luckily when I play offi's it uses the clean one lol (since the other one is already in use by someone :S)

ETPRO guid system = epic fail (proven 10000000X)
lol , had same thing , check my yawn but but i think it was with my pbguid , not etpro guid ... btw , I think its cuz i have 3 partitions on my HARD DISK , thats why ...
I have 2 , but my 2nd is empty :S
Luckily when I play offi's it uses the clean one lol (since the other one is already in use by someone :S)

Not fail , truth

I even asked on CB how the hell that could happen

No reply still (2weeks)
someone using your guid will never make your game take another one
I didnt say that lol
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