best quote on crossfire

spam the best quotes found on this website here.
decem ftp = allowed

My personal favourite:


Gijzeh on 27/11/06, 21:03:46 PM | Reply

the iq of a retard in square is 100, use a carrot to calculate what his iq is. is what he said.
Pretty much everything Spree says!
trough?....through your ass?
And now u try to make a fragmovie so that everyone thinks you are a oldschooler and skilled. But u will stay forever an online only cheater...
and now u will say that u will go to cdc3. But that cares me couse u will suck on a LAN!
think at your words, but when u get busted the only thing i'll gonna do is LAUGH! watch out, the busters are EVERYWHERE!!!

(c) Scorchii
Thu Aug 9 @ 19:16:29 [email protected]]
Kanker Nerd
image: pwnedvx3

4 man rifle?xD

3 man & 1 turk (that's what i see)
bestest <3 :D
xD thats the one ;>
Its rather a cf story but it could fit in @ this journal:

Name for clan (230 views, 30 comments)
Posted by Metsurugi on Saturday 30th June 2007, 15:44 News: ET, eSports

Yo, my name is metsurugi.
im starting a clan but i need a name and some skilled players..
anyone intersted?
pm me..

¬Thir13en on 30/06/07, 15:55:11 Del | Edit | Reply
front page pls

¬duroh on 30/06/07, 15:55:52 PM | Reply
no man, it should be a fucking journal, are u dumb?!

¬Thir13en on 30/06/07, 15:57:27 Del | Edit | Reply
pwweb.exe and update ur sarcasm detector
are u dumb?!

¬duroh on 30/06/07, 15:58:22 PM | Reply
no but cmon man that isnt worth a front page newsitem sorry, you are a bit dumb

¬Thir13en on 30/06/07, 15:59:17 Del | Edit | Reply
are u really so dumb to understand I was joking ?!

¬duroh on 30/06/07, 16:00:28 PM | Reply
ye but it isnt frontpage news, thats for sure. U should think before u write such things

¬Thir13en on 30/06/07, 16:01:54 Del | Edit | Reply
You,sir, made my day :D:D:D:D

¬duroh on 30/06/07, 16:02:26 PM | Reply
Im glad to hear u learned from your mistake

¬Thir13en on 30/06/07, 16:04:29 Del | Edit | Reply
LOLOL u just deserved to have a query in my profile :D:D are u 12?

¬duroh on 30/06/07, 16:07:13 PM | Reply
ah well it isnt fun anymore, u have been fucked for 10 minutes now. Good show

¬Thir13en on 30/06/07, 16:08:28 Del | Edit | Reply
actually, You have fucked yourself, cause it's You, who do not understand it at all xD
ahahha you actually think duroh was serious? rofl @ you
duroh was deadly serious -__- and he got lots of comments "read again and find yourself owned here"
you fail. badly.
I m writing only what have really happened @ this discussion
Yes, and it appears you completely missed the point. :DD
haha, i knew i was good, but my jokes are normally not that good to NOT understand
QuoteJust 48 hours after perfo's case was put forward by the community he has been banned for six months forcing his team junk52 into a lineup change for the Eurocup final.
i remember smokeninja commenting in some random mm recruiting thread, about what requirements the recruits should meet, it was something about having german roots and being aryan and shit
huumeninja on 10/12/07, 01:55:35 PM | Reply

I apologize the childishness of my fellow teammate.
Our lineup consist mostly of people who have played together for years and the fact that you are not finnish doesn't help your recruitment chances either.
We tend to only recruit 100% aryan origin people with german ancestry dating back atleast to 17th century, since mudbloods are not welcome to our community.

and image: hase_fuzz

owns too
Everything frats has ever said
Meaning of life (37 comments)

Posted by Cypher on Friday 13th April 2007, 17:41

What is the meaning of life?

WSK on 13/04/07, 17:47:07 PM | Reply
waiting for respawn.
lol did I say that?
Quote by InterFace on 27/12/07, 16:04:07When you draw a simple man with pencil to paper - do you fill it with black color or you leave it white?

While a discussion about rascism. :D
Quote by alexL about his doping plans
<@hMg|nordaN> gåre bra med dopingeN då?
<@alexL> 17 lök
<@alexL> kostar det
<@hMg|nordaN> kk
<@alexL> 2 månader
<@n1ce`NuggaN> lol ska du helt ärligt dopa dig alexL?
<@hMg|nordaN> och hur stor skillnad tror du det gör?
<@alexL> stor
<@alexL> gen doping !
<@hMg|nordaN> najs :D
<@alexL> :P
<@rbert> orka doping, din kuk kommer gå från 12 cm till typ 7 cm
<@n1ce`NuggaN> alltså du kommer se ut som ett freak alexL
<@alexL> gen doping, inte anabola !
<@n1ce`NuggaN> ja så du blir en kvinna istället
<@alexL> nej
<@alexL> haha
<@hMg|nordaN> ska ringa till de som koll på doping inom svensk fotboll, och säga att du tar grejer alexL
<@alexL> :D
<@rbert> vad fan är gen doping då?
<@rbert> vet att jag frågar förut:P
<@n1ce`NuggaN> vad ska han med de till då?
<@alexL> gener från döda foster
<@n1ce`NuggaN> se muskligare ut eller bli starkare utan större muskler?
<@alexL> rätt dna kod, för cell delning
<@alexL> större muskler, starkare muskler, tappa allt fett, se yngre ut
<@alexL> taq bort rynkor
<@alexL> tar
<@alexL> :D
<@n1ce`NuggaN> alltså skämmigt alexL
<@n1ce`NuggaN> sluta nu
<@rbert> mm otroligt skämmigt
nice playing on fnatic.tdm
lol, thought I saw some swine running past me on vacant
ye, that was me ;-)
image: Butchji%20=(

why didn't i ever see that before :p
still makes me chuckle
hahahaahah :DDDDD n1 dude.. ..whats true its true.
omg Lazio omg! :D
classic :))
haha this is classic
i remember that fucking classic
It was not me, it was my brother
the waiting for your chemotherapy one by n30 was kinda lollable :X
Netherlands kipa

Darf ich deine mutter zum arsch fahren?
image: idontthinksoed2

my dreams:

image: img_7ec0865bdb50609f9a8ae913ee3f5ad2
actually you got banned :D
for 2.5 weeks
check my profile Quotes
I'm there too :D
<3 old good times ^^
aegruS.jACKIE: your dead mother with cancer on her tits with black hair on it. You cocksucking peace of shit i'll put a cockring around ur moms neck and piss in her behind while ur dad is eating steak and fistfucking himself

ahahha ye thats the best one
I always knew smth wrong is with jackie.
lol thats kinda funny xD
he comes out with the best stuff ever. he absolutely ruined some cup admin a few months back :DD
agree, got that one real on scrim from him which u apologised to me personally....:)
haha , my fake account ;p
"[20:29] <firewall-atemi> Sjappie is voor naabs. Uk is voor naabs. Fd-nl zijn naabs. Bio zijn naabs.
[20:29] <firewall-atemi> Het spijt me dat ik het zeg. Maar echt serieus, ik kots echt van het niveau daar. Van die wannabe leetz0rs die dan 1,5 hs per kill schieten. Blegh. Je mag van mij pas pratena lsje er 2,5 per kill schiet gemiddeld. ( w00t ik mag praten, ik ben btw geen wannabe-1337, want ik help noobs met cfg's bouwen :O )
[20:29] <firewall-atemi> Nou het klinkt heel raar maar het is zo :
[20:29] <firewall-atemi> Als ik echt uitgeslapen ben, : Med+ . Je reageert dan veel sneller en dan schiet ik echt 3hs per kill
[20:29] <firewall-atemi> Maar als ik moe ben, dan is het meteen terug naar 1,5 hs per kill. En merk ik echt dat het niet lekker gaat. Zoals vandaag.
[20:29] <firewall-atemi> nog 1
[20:29] <firewall-atemi> Maar heb nu weer nieuwe settings / mousemat. Dus moet weer wennen. Maar zit rond de Med skill atm.

2005 © By Atemi"

blatently stolen from spho's profile
"(scarzy) hoi?
(scarzy) cupper_
(cupper_) hoi
(scarzy) got a gamestv account
(scarzy) ?
(cupper_) yah
(scarzy) if i lose a bet
(scarzy) i has 2 pay.. right?
(scarzy) :o
(cupper_) no
(scarzy) coz i has 100 e's
(cupper_) lol :)
(scarzy) but if i win
(scarzy) then i win shit?
(scarzy) :o
(cupper_) its not real money! :P
(scarzy) fucking LIES
(scarzy) Total pot: 141040 &#65533;??
(scarzy) PAKIS
(scarzy) whats the point then
(scarzy) please..
(cupper_) no idea
(scarzy) pakis
(scarzy) =/
(scarzy) im gonna cry
(scarzy) =/
(scarzy) this is worse than the sims
(cupper_) lol!
(scarzy) that is so retarded
(scarzy) i feel so dumb
(cupper_) its quote worthy
(scarzy) its not..
(scarzy) plsl"

I like this one tbh
epic one , but i am Russia side!1

flame on <3
guess what it'd be like if every metalhead thought the same about those people that listen to techno, trance, etc... and if everyone who listens to techno, trance, etc... would think that about every metalhead :D
3,2,1... FIGHT! :D
only read half of it, but i completely agree with pulza, gtfo ugly metal/emo/punk/gaylorddeluxeheads
emagine/hal: "My dear lovely drago from the allmighty mpg...."
image: dicksth8
sry schnee, but it's the only one I ever saved 8)
im ashamed of my brother =[
He's 11 lol ://
FaIL3rBoY: ****** busted
We made him egoquit vent when he was mixing with us because of his voice :D:D
England StoQ1e:

arsenal all the way

we'll do it, dont u worry!

wat a fuckin load of bs that was, dopey black fucks givin way a penalty..pff cu@premier leauge liver.
I just got a new quote on Vent

Talking with Starzi and John , I ask John : Starzi tells me to make a banner , but what kind of banner ?!?!

John : Make it red , with penguins and ak47's , that's ok.

I just randomly lol'd
lol taking the piss out of a 11 year old boys voice must make you a hardnut fucking french frog
I'm a straight up g from the hood , smelly portuguese plomber
That was soooo funny looooooooooooooooooooool
huh? lol
didn't reply to you lol,

Elfi on 08/04/08, 22:05:34 Del | Edit | Reply

That was soooo funny looooooooooooooooooooool

Thats the thing i replyed to u tbh :d

used about a million times on xfire
image: newbje

Still makes me smile!
Rebel<3sol , pleasepleaseplease.
:D:D I am part of your army now
kazzema<3sol pwease³
QuoteaegruS.AFRO: Im so angry cuz Hype's mom left mustache hair with the last blowjob

made me laugh :D
jesus christ crossfire can argue for so long
keran and shy´s ban for cheating
Netherlandsaphesia: wukas en chamire komen naar cpc2 met een bontkraag en een pyama broek.
ja die ken ik :D
United Kingdom Sp3aKeR on 23/07/07, 02:00:51 PM | Reply

Spelling isn't exactly crucial in a Mathematics degree

Ireland Skydeh on 23/07/07, 10:03:38 PM | Reply

You forgot the .

Estonia vessaR on 23/07/07, 12:34:24 PM | Reply

Spelling isn't the exactly crucial in a mathematics degree

United Kingdom Sp3aKeR on 23/07/07, 22:44:14 PM | Reply


Netherlands swas on 26/07/07, 16:09:32 PM | Reply

YOU FAILED indeed.

Finland teLuxe on 02/08/07, 12:51:04 PM | Reply

YOU FAILED miserably.

Anonymous danii on 11/08/07, 17:59:07 PM | Reply

ah made me chuckle agen x>
yep , my fail.

be happy with it <3
xD why you change name?
new nick new life :D joking

I like my old CS nickname more than ET nick I used for ages :p
I see, gL with your new name :>
that horny guy praising kitty ( 2 lazy 2 search )
kipa on 06/02/08, 20:12:09 PM | Reply

their are 3 kind of ppl in the world
ppl who can do math
and those who cant
lol dat je die hebt bewaard :D:p
In the days my busting skills > kill3rboy[/b]]

Quote by scoot plz i cant even afford to but a new headset :<
how the fuck can i buy a private hack then...

Quote by scoot nice, a humanized aimbot for etpro with clean screenshots for free
thats new

Quote by scoot ermm, how can i afford that
my parents surely wont give me hax for present
they made strict rules for me when i can play, so sorry but thats not possible

Quote by scoot ok lolz :x
so you are saying that I am not allowed to aim or that a cheat?
and the opengl32.dll is cuz i had a problem some months ago so i coudnt join servers for a month orso , always awaiting connection (ask alvo or worm) and then me and my brother amused ourself with playing 1v1s with aimbot and stuff, we tries serveral things, cuz we never ever used such things, and when i could join servers again, i left theme there, not knowing that i have put something in etmain, thats the reason, believe it or not
+ alvo already came to my home to check wheter i hacked or not, i even played with his pc, and played just the same ...

Quote by mbudget for me its clearly an aimbot with human aim settings, value ~0.08, you can see it in some scenes when the crosshair moves exactly with the head, but anyway none listens to me so I dont care :)

Quote by scoot lol pathetic really :x

Quote by scoot ik heb geen aimbot of zo, kwnie ze
wa moet ik daarvan zegge, alvo is bij mij geweest, ik ben bij hem geweest, vraagt dan aan hem ofzo e

Quote by scoot i invite you all to look at it with timescale 0.1 or something, maybe then you will notice that i havent got aimbot

Quote by scoot pm me @ irc if you want the demos
ill be glad to give them
btw perfo, you showed the nicest frags of me, i thank you for that

Quote by scoot and eeuh btw rfki, how dumb can u be if you put on a hack, while you know somebody is speccing you

Quote by scoot gemoogt vlaams tege mij prate en kwnie wa vecz is en kheb geen switching tussen high en low sens

Quote by scoot here you go
braundorf vs teamNL with a fragmovie frag =)
(url) [] seems to me that my hax work best in b4

Quote by scoot ma ik snap helemaal nie jonge wtf, en bekijkt die demos dan met timescale 0.1 , dan ziede toch duidelijk als ik nekeer zou snappe, da da zeker nie drect naar het hoofd is

Quote by Worm rafiki nu ben je echt low gevallen :(

Quote by Prydz played with him in snd for several months, had nice aim! tbh I didnt saw anything suspicious in the 1st movie/demo, only n1 aiming at the end..
worm our leader in snd knows him in real life, been @ his home several times, and always assured me scoot wasnt cheating
mAus2 is born, and i dont mean a personality, but everything around it ^^

Quote by Alvo I know scoot in reallife. he's a good friend of me, we play tennis together. I learned scoot aiming when he started to play ET. Then he was getting much better. Better than me :) So I thought he was hacking. I asked him to watch him playing at home. He said ye sure, you'll see im not hacking. He isnt hacking cause he had 46 acc and i saw him playing, no hax. Than he played on my computer. He had a acc like 45 on my pc and i dont have hax so he's just a good and nice aimer. So rfki its not tr00 :>
btw scoot, idle is watching you ;DD

Quote by Alvo conclusion: no hax kthxbb
crossfire comunity isnt divided by skill (pro - noob), only by mental condition (norm - retard)
© Superboyy February 1st, 2007
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