Streaming video

Got some question about streaming video's.

1) Does it use the same data amount as a download ? Like is it better for my data-limit to download a file or to stream it.

2) Are there any settings for windows media player - that would allow me to jump to scenes while streaming.

----------- (represents current video shown)
++++++++++1++2++++ (represents buffered video, yet to be showed)

Is there any way I can jump to my number ( 1&2 ) so a video that has been buffered already, but not shown yet. ATM I'm not able to do this with my WMP.

Thx for any advice

Edited question 1
edit: fuck ur edit!
:XD soz - but thx for the bandwith thingy !
1. depends on the bitrate of the download and the stream... Usually streams are lower bitrate than downloadable content, which means that they would be faster. I really don't understan "better for my bandwidht" part, but if you're meaning which one uses less bandwidht, It depends, but usually streams.

2. Don't think so, streams are streamed. But VOD's might sometimes have an option like that... Dno rly.
extensive streaming could cause port failure in your router.
streaming = watching while download
so it's no difference if you "download" it or if you "stream" it
Some hosts reduce quality in streams to save bandwidth
yes but you can also download it in low quality that'S just the same.
HQ upload > * =D
een bikke minder bangbros :) dan hebde geen probleme mee uwen telemeter
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