Song name #2

Some house/club remix of old song. Need it for next extasy party :D

Thanks in advance.

(10mb recorded with windows sound recorder or smth).
i wont help your drugs thrill
image: dont_worry_sir_i_m_from_the_internet

np 4 army gevers
lol'd @ gevers
VessaR you will never change
crazy i tell you !
Becouse I'm kindly asking?
maybe zeh admins dont laik u :/
lulz I has It.

EDiT: they used this in the 2005 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show!
hi²u vessaR,
we used to be m8es untill you:

1st. you removed me from your buddy list
2nd. you called me retard once
3rd. you called me a jew

fix at least ² of them.
Sorry for calling you a retard and a jew (thought people aren't angry on the truth). Now song plz :(
I thought normal people should understand from once when someone tells them "I'm not a jew" although I live in Israel.

you called me retard after opening a journal with pics from ettv about urtier and I can understand why you flamed, now I think It was a stupid Idea but why you deleting me from buddy list was for an Un-understandable reason.
Why can't you understand. American/Russian/Estonian/BLABLAWHATEVER CAN'T LIVE IN ISRAEL. In Israel live only jews , who have jewish blood (your mom or dad is a jew). And ok , I'll re-add you as buddy , link now plz.
I don't have any Jewish roots and definitely not a Jewish blood, I think you forgot the fact Israel Is a multi-religion Country.

Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druzes, and one more religious groups I forgot live here.

Quote by wikipediaMaking up 16.2% of the population, Muslims constitute Israel's largest religious minority. Israeli Arabs, who comprise 19.8% of the population, contribute significantly to that figure as over four fifths (82.6%) of them are Muslim. Of the remaining Israeli Arabs, 8.8% are Christian and 8.4% are Druze.[194] Members of many other religious groups, including Buddhists and Hindus, maintain a presence in Israel, albeit in small numbers.[195]

The city of Jerusalem enjoys a special place in the hearts of Jews, Muslims, and Christians as the home of sites that are pivotal to their religious beliefs, such as the Western Wall, the Temple Mount, the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Other landmarks of religious importance are located in the West Bank, among them the birthplace of Jesus and Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem, and the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. The administrative center of the Bahá'í Faith and the Shrine of the Báb are located at the Bahá'í World Centre in Haifa and the leader of the faith is buried in Acre. Apart from maintenance staff, there is no Bahá'í community in Israel, although it is a destination for pilgrimages.[196][197]

my both parents are Christians, I wasn't born in Israel and almost have no relatives here.
I had a baptism when I was born, never had "Brit Milah" (Circumcision), one of the Jewish traditions when they Cut the tip of the pin and I never Celebrated "Bar Mitzvah".
Mothers and Fathers parents from both Sides are Christians.
most of my relatives live in Germany (and roots came from) and few in United States.

If you ask yourself how we came to Israel? we came before the strict limits on Jewish blood and Jewish relatives,
It was my Father's decision move to Israel when I was 2 years old maybe It was wrong decision moving to Israel instead of moving to Germany or United States without any problem and big contacts there but maybe, who knows.

Israel is not that bad place for living don't believe to news and media about boms all over the country, my life is not bad.
my Father works in High-Tech Company since Israel is in the 3rd place in world wide Hi-Technology (1st USA, 2nd Japan), Intel Israel developed Pentium 4 and Intel Core 2 Chips and the 64-bit processors here in Israel, that's it.
maybe link for song now?
I want to hear your answer | opinion now.
My opinion is this: you live in Israel - hense you are a jew.

or you are a doss. :D
Cut the bullshit please, arguing over and over on this is so retarded|pointless, just don't call me a jew that's enough for me.
So you are an imigrant?
I live legally and I have an Israeli passport like every other normal citizen of the country.

If you have Estonian and Russian passports and you are Russian who lives in Estonia so you are kind of a imigrant there?

I want to make this clear,
The general rule is: where both parents are Jewish the child is Jewish.

The general rule is: where both parents are non-Jewish, the child is non-Jewish and can only become Jewish by conversion.
Yeah , my grandma & grandpa imigrated to Estonia like 50 years ago , i was born here , i am estonian with russian blood , and yes i'm an imigrat & even an occupant.

Btw , you can be a jew if only your mom has jew blood.

I see Indeed you are right you can be a jew only If your mother has jewish blood and the reality is that she is completely Christian from both parents and has non-Jewish roots.
will you upload it or not ? just say it , im tired of waiting.
I'm uploading it for you, both versions the remix and original, just started so it will take some time.
k reply here, thanks
nP, hF. ;')

Did you like it? OMGoat Invite me to your extasy party! ^-^
ye , but 52k sux :D

its nice thanks
It's 160kbps, well you can always raise the volume. :x

p.s: it just came to my mind to ask you that, which et configs have you got? I remember mystics, ferus's & jonas's.
90% original (Except noob collections by randoms)
wow, thanks for sharing your amazing config collection!

RaZiel's both configs look so pr0 :}

what are the differences between razielETcfg.rar & RaZiel.rar - vildeN (btw wtf? SwedenvildeN from CS?)
vildeN was my nickname few times in ET , and raziel.rar is smth fake i made once , the real raziel cfg from 2007 (which i got from his msn) is a rar , which contains 2-4 configs (cant remember) main config is "RaZ.cfg"
I see, so razielETcfg.rar contains his real one from 2007.

I have to say: f*cking n1ce config collection you have got! ;p

btw recommend me on something pr0l33t from your experience pl0x!
Finland Lepari config - I don't know which super configuration he has , but with fov 90 and drawgun 1 with this you shot only hs or you dont hit shit , very good config , and check out the bind "A TAG?" (smth "O" or "M" cant remember now) :)

United Kingdom kamz.cfg - this is the Finland mystic's config stolen from CDC2 by perfo and potter , it got to kamz , and i asked for his cfg (name is kamz :p), and he sayd me that.

Sweden jonas.cfg - veryy good config , nice configuration , no superstuff or scripts , just clean and nice.

Russia rivz folder cfg - this is original Netherlands kris config , rivz got it and send it to me (config names are rivz) you can also find some programs from kris' configuration (gosucfg -> night -> kris--cfg , its from 1 folder , but i was searching for everything ;P)

Austria beAsty is quite nice , mega scripts and stuff , you'll like it.

There are more ofcourse good configs , that's for start :P , watchout for fragmovie configs which can ruin your pb-status , like "kad,movie or smth"

unexpected comment, thanks a lot <3

Quoteseta cg_atmosphericEffects 0
seta cg_bloodDamageBlend 0
seta cg_bloodFlash 0
seta cg_bloodTime 800
seta cg_bobpitch 0
seta cg_bobroll 0
seta cg_bobup 0
seta cg_brassTime 5000
seta cg_cameraOrbitDelay 0
seta cg_coronafardist 1536
seta cg_coronas 2
seta cg_drawCrosshair 3
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames 0
seta cg_drawCrosshairPickups 0
seta cg_crosshairSize 48
seta cg_crosshairpulse 0
seta cg_crosshairColor "white"
seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "white"
seta cg_crosshairAlpha 0.0
seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt 0.0
seta cg_cursorHints 0
seta cg_drawAllWeaps 1
seta cg_drawFPS 0
seta cg_drawFrags 1
seta cg_drawGun 1
seta cg_gibs 1
seta cg_hudAlpha 1
seta cg_lagometer 0
seta cg_marktime 5000
seta cg_noVoiceChats 1
seta cg_railTrailTime 400
seta cg_reticleBrightness 1
seta cg_reticleType 1
seta cg_runpitch 0
seta cg_runroll 0
seta cg_selectedPlayer 0
seta cg_simpleitems 0

seta cg_shadows 1
seta cg_showblood 1
seta cg_stereoSeparation 0.4
seta cg_teamChatHeight 0
seta cg_tracerChance 1
seta cg_drawcompass 0
seta cg_drawroundtimer 0
seta cg_drawsmallpopupicons 1
seta cg_fov 100
seta cg_crosshairhealth 0
seta cg_wolfparticles 1
seta cg_gunx 7

seta b_hudyoffset "-105"
seta b_numpopups 0
seta b_drawclock 0
seta b_demo_nametags 0
seta b_althud 2
seta b_tracers 1
seta b_fireteamalpha 0
seta b_numpopups 5
seta b_althudflags 7
seta b_hitsounds 1
seta b_popuptime 0
seta b_popupfadetime 2000
seta b_popupstaytime 4000
seta b_descriptivetextscale 0
seta b_muzzleflash 1

seta r_overBrightBits 0
seta r_subdivisions 1
seta r_drawSun 1
seta r_fastSky 0
seta r_detailTextures 1
seta r_roundImagesDown 0
seta r_dynamicLight 0
seta r_picmip 0
seta r_mapoverbrightbits 2
seta r_stencilbits 32
seta r_colorbits 32
seta r_texturebits 32
seta r_ati_fsaa_samples 4
seta r_ignorehwgamma 0
seta r_gamma 2.2
seta r_intensity 1.5
seta r_ambientscale 7
seta r_flaresize 80
seta r_flarefade 10
seta r_wolffog 0
seta r_zfar 5000
seta r_fullscreen 1
seta r_lodbias -2

seta timescale 1

seta s_volume 0.05
seta r_mode -1
seta r_customaspect 1
seta r_customwidth 1200
seta r_customheight 675

bind "p" "cl_avidemo 60"
bind "o" "cl_avidemo 0"

bind "m" "WAV_RECORD"

bind "v" "exec cam"

Can ruin my pb status? what's that, what do you mean? sounds like pb h4x.cfg! :x (btw Is it a movie.cfg?)
yes it is a movie cfg, don't use it in your main et folder which you use for gaming online (moviemakers use 2 et folders , 1 for gaming 2nd for movie)
If I'm not a movie maker (and don't wanna be tbh) then Its kinda useless (to me), right? :x
thx again bratuxa. :')
np aravi bulbul :D

ok joking
I will upload it tomorrow when I come back from school, I go to bed now so gn8.
reply here with link , gn8
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