SP delivery cup


was thinking of organzing a small showmatch with sp delivery. How about saturday? Few clans play on saturday, but it should be possible to get two mix teams with experienced players together, get some ETTV, maybe a shoutcast? Any other day but saturday would just fuck up with teams wanting to prac or having to play offis.

I had this idea after talking with some ET admins and most werent very enthusiastic (mostly because of personal reasons such as 'I dont like delivery').

Anyway ET needs new maps atm we only got 4 maps which i consider competition worthy: radar - grush - supply - bremen. b4 just rapes the ET gameplay limiting it to skills involving walls. adlernest is a fun map, but its just too lotto to play.

Like with so many things in ET the only way to change it, is to do it yourself. Most quakecon players, except kris, agreed that the map was pretty good and it deserves a chance in European competition.

yours truly,
Delivery is a superb map, go for it
QuoteFew clans play on saturday

especially on saturday they don`t!! lol
Make it an other day:<
If its not saturday, it could be done on sunday but I think a lot of clans are praccing / palying officials on sunday.
well saterday is still for most ppl "going out day" so I think more people will play on sunday then on saterday
The new sp_delivery right ?
dont think the new one is released, could ask the eim if we could use the latest version.
Contact eIM, guess this could be managed.
We wont release the map for a cup since we dont have a beta yet. Only private alpha tests.
But the current version is not playable at all, as you get 20-30 fps outside. Your version is playable without any probs.
Then he should wait abit with the cup.
We are still finding bugs in the map, little fixes etc..

It wont take that long, im sure we have a test version asap
there is no point in making a showmatch with the old map... just wait until the first public version is out... should be ready within the next days/ next week so we can do that showmatch then... would only disappaoint everyone to see a laggy map now =) it would damage the image of sp_delivery_te tbh
you need clans to test it properly.
hmm, odd

I'm quite sure a mix raped two clans in the last 'major' map showmatch (sottevast)
because nev and perfo played in the same team olololool
sunday is a good day, but is it gonna be a 1 day cup or just 1 match to show the map? so yes im avi !
FAITH+1 reunion match imo
which clans?
Probably the worst map ever played competitively!
dont you write about cod4 and cs and shit? those games just ain't United Kingdom evan worth mentioning
I write about any and everything, even when I've never played them before!
Well that has Europe Zero Point to me, but whatever floats your boat!
I already have this plan - if you wanna do it instead though, feel free, saves me the hassle.
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