USSR flag topic

I know that image: ussrflag sol will be angry and prolly delete this topic and ban me, but still...

How comes that in a GAMING site is going to be added mass murder, raper and marauder flag? Isn't this kinda spit in the face for most of the estonian, latvian, lithuanian, ukrainian and lots of other country players?

I've asked to our "beloved" image: ussrflag sol - why not to add in that case also nazi germany flag (as both of regimes brought a lot of suffering for Europe) on what he answered NO IT WONT BE ADDED. I've asked if this is a cruel joke (to add USSR flag) and he replayed that NO THIS IS NOT JOKE.

How comes? Is CrossFire going in some way to be political gaming site? Or is it just that image: ussrflag sol is a fanboy of USSR totalitarism regime?
2 words
just 2 words

gtfo retard
I know you know me as a NAZI person etc bla bla bla, but one thing is to flame with comments about these things (you nazi, you nigger, you jew, you <insert random word>, but that's absolutely different thing to officially add those flags as a choice to use for every user who joins the site and not only.
The USSR was a country, the "Nazi" flag isnt.. Can you see the difference?
read and learn something, before spam bullshit.
"he USSR was a union of several Soviet republics, but the synecdoche Russia—after its largest and dominant constituent state—continued to"

from your own fuckin link you stupid cunt. It was a republic, ya know like the REPUBLIC of Ireland? The USSR flag represented the countries together. Latvia is a shit whole anyway half your fuckin country is over here in Ireland, your lowest of the low along with Romanians.
nicely sayd :D
Why do you hate russians so much? Did they do something to you? you fucking retard keep your hate inside , we don't need it here.
50 years of occupation, useless murdering and brutal raping our country and culture and civilians was a fun days I say!

Like you know what that is ? You lived in that time? You fucking retard! Stop living in the past fucktard.
I've born in 1986 and I've felt not that much of your "politics" as did my parents, my friend parents and everyone else who's now older that 25.
QuoteI've born in 1986 and I've felt not that much..

conversation closed.
Age: 17 ( 1 June 1990 )
You've born one year before communism regime end. How can you know more than me or any other anti-communist / anti-nazi I must ask?
yep, judging mass murder is wrong if you haven't felt it yourself. totally.
eat shit and die in car fire fag
Your comments makes me just lol irl ;))))))
btw it makes me always wonder , why baltic countrys always whine about communism , becouse of ocupation ? :( poor people , believe me , you will not erase all russians from your country , never.
give us kkk and a nazi flag!
i have to agree with you sir
Get over it
more whine
Yes, and delete the following flags as well while you're at it: USA, China, Japan, ...
ban spast
That is a stupid logic. Then forbid christian church flags, which caused million of deaths. In addition, don't forget the United States of America or Russia for their policy in Chechnya, China for tibet, tbc...

QuoteHow comes? Is CrossFire going in some way to be political gaming site?

You are actually the guy, who adds polictical correctness to this site.

And I'm sorry for you, if you compare the soviet union and the nazi Germany, because of both caused much sorrow and were dictatorships.
QuoteI know you know me as a NAZI person etc bla bla bla, but one thing is to flame with comments about these things (you nazi, you nigger, you jew, you <insert random word>, but that's absolutely different thing to officially add those flags as a choice to use for every user who joins the site and not only.
quoting yourself with shitty english isnt the smartest thing to do to put your point across.
What about Naziflag then?
Not comparable. The system, the time, the aims, etc....You really want me to explain it detailed all? Don't get me wrong, it's not as I would welcome the things, which happened in the soviet union, but it's still completly different.
So you say killing people with NKVD bullet was less painful for them than from Gestapo's bullet? Gulag, gallows and tortuing of USSR was less harmful than SS mass murdering?
Can't u read. You don't get it. Do you think an american bullet in Iraq, or a German bullet in Afghanistan is less painful, according to your way of arguing? Wanna forbid the flags?
QuoteThe system, the time, the aims, etc....
Be so kind and compare them both for me. What were the aims, the time, the system of both regimes?
Gestapo bullet? are u retarded? your homies aka retarded nazis were doing experiments on 5 y/o kids and women , gas chambers & etc. you fucktard nazi
russians should understand that ussr killed people also, maybe less, maybe more, why do you guys keep proving that germany was so much worse, both sides killed millions of people. if ussr killed lets say (random number) about 200k less, in my opinion he wouldnt seem so much better, i would take both of them murderers.
Nazi-Germany started the war? Attacked USSR while they had that "document of no attacking to each other (ye i forgot thouse 2 names)"?
do you know why germany was able to start the war? germany trained their officers, got resources and other support from russia, you can call russia and germany as friends, since the cooperation was beneficial to both of the sides. they hid the helping from the public eye tho, but thats something what is common with totalitar regimes, they cant afford looking "weak" and dependent.
no sense to my reply.
my point was, if it wasnt for the revolution and the birth of ussr, germany wouldnt have been able to start a war @ the first place
Sad bot your vanjkas & dunjkas did the same with same young children. The fact that rapers, marauders and mass murders won the war (your parents?), that doesn't excuse them for what they have done to innocent people.
Just like nazis. You are on nazi side , I'm on ussr side. Simple as , no need in arguing anymore.

+ please give me a link where it is written that Russians were doing experiments on kids/women and let them die in gas chambers, would be nice to know.

Just wait for the film. Your GULAGS have so many secrets on what your kind of people seems to be so quiet like nothing there ever happened ;)

ok converstaion closed again, now you're plain of shit.
QuoteThe main sponsor of "The Soviet Story" production was the UEN Group in the European Parliament, which supported the film based on a proposal by the members of the European Parliament - Girts Valdis Kristovskis and Inese Vaidere.
So you say European Parliament is bullshit? Documental videos are bullshit? Then what's not bullshit?

And the funny thing is that only russians keep telling around that everything against communism and it's terror is total lies. Interesting, eh? :)
We will see , when it will comeout.
"European parliament" = 2 EUP members from Latvian TB/LNNK party =DD
3 words - greatest support ever.
Even though you haven't seen the movie yet, you are already stating it's true. Well done!
So latvians actually are the biggest LIES and threat to USSR regime? Would it change anything if there were estonians, belorussians or lithuanians or any other country as the main supporters? If those latvians were from JL, TP or any other party than TB/LNNK - would that change anything?

Read "People in the film" section and see who are "talking bad about communism". Are they also "russian haters"?
LoL you are really good at understanding someone's point. You see only the things you want to see. My point was, that "supported by European Parliament" is slightly exaggerated statement after you find out that actually 2 Latvian citizens are supporting it from this "parliament". Did I say anything about content of the movie. Did I say it's a big lie or smth? But have you seen the movie yet? I can't judge it till I see it, but seems like you don't need to see that, to make out some statements.
I know your latvian skills are l33t and you love this site, but still read the report after prime show of the movie ;)
Quote'The Soviet Story' tika demonstrets zale ar 130 vietam. Vismaz 2/3 no tam bija aizpilditas. Ieradas ne vien visi Latvijas, bet ari pardesmit citu valstu eirodeputati...

WoW! 8DD

Too bad for you, but I can easly understand latvian. 8(

Besides, what was your point?
how many of LAT are in EP? How many where at the demonstration (where were 130 seats)? You do the calculations.

Paardesmit = >10 <100
vismaz = not less

and that was about the judging the movie before i've seen it. It saw way educated people than me and guess who were the only who disagreed with movie? Or they are even worse than me on judging history?
130/3*2 =~87
paardesmit ~20

EDIT: you posted your opinion before this absolutely-independant-report @ visulatvijai.
I see that you actually don't read what I say ;)
actually I read what you say, not like you.

P.S. Does it change anything, if someone "agrees" with the movie or not? No.
need vlaams belang flag
yo agree
eigen volk eerst!!
Delete the flag please. It really is not good to have it here.
imo just add location & nationality instead of all these random flags.
delete loekinos love island flag pls, it causes so much suffer
Its just a flag tbh
aaah nice flag!! I gonna use it
CCCP <3 was born there ^^ was cool
a failflag tbh, but some mental retards dont understand it, so its better to keep this thing away. we dont have gay flags, because we dont want any homos, why we should have these kind of flags, or we want little kids thinking that commies are cool?
zomg unexpected flag :(,
nahuj takih druzej
Dude, my respect for you just went from 50 to 100.
lol'd @ people with lack of knowledge, so what is the difference between nazi germany and ussr, what makes ussr so much better that it's flag should be on gaming communities.
cause their ideology didn't consist of racism maybe? I can give 38643964 facts why it's not the same, but too bad your brain is full of shit prejudges and you have absolutely no knowledge about history whatsoever. So it will be a pointless discussion. Too bad kids are so influenced and have no own opinions about stuff. Maybe you will grow up someday.
stalins and brezhnevs totalitar regime killed the people of their own country, not talking about the nations whom the annexed, just like the nazi germany, only the nazis started the major repressions @ 1935, ussr was fucked @ 1928 when the collectivising began, followed by lots other actions, which destroyed the beautiful culture russia had before.
Second off nazi germany could do his evil deeds only from 35-45, 10 years, but russia tortured and killed culture for about 60 years, supporting other nations against human rights such as cuba, china, lots of african states, north korea etc.
the long term effect of USSR is ALOT more devastating than the nazi germany, ofc thats because germany lost the war, but apparently ussr "won" the war and fucked up alot more thanks to that. there are no "if"'s in history. the communism ideology was a huge fail right from the start, civil war, killing etc doesnt help to build the utipia lenin wanted.
i hope you have heard of labour camps and stuff like that? the molotov ribbentrop pact? all the eastern block totalitar regimes? and the worst of all, standing against freedom of any kind? RUSSIA CAN HAS IT. russia still is like that to be honest. so the effect continues. and crossfire should have this flag, right?
I believe assimiliating non-russians (either assimilating or opressing or just killing them) , sending them to death camps or simply shooting out everyone who had two cows and a few hectars of soil is absolutely incomparable to shooting out those who had different skin color, nationality?
Can you fucking read? I was talking about ideologies, not about THE WAY people tried to build communism etc.
you were talking about my prejudgeing, and i showed whats my "pre"judging about.
I didn't refer question to you, as you could have noticed. But the question is can you tell anything about nazi regime then? I think you know much less about it than about communism. Anyway ussr didn't have plans to create anything similiar to "third reich", it's the main factor why ussr is not on the same line.
dont worry, i'm familiar with those guys also, especially the soap industry fueled by jews. nazi germany and ussr were both negative things, some of the worst in the history, just that as an estonian, the culture i live in, has had more experiences with the russians, so thats why i cant stand people, who are trying to justify the ussr regime
as for the flag, i just see it as the symbol of the establishent who killed culture as well as people of my country 45 years.
the good thing is not many people are using the flag, and about those who are using, i dont want to know what is going on in their heads
EDIT: they had the plan of "world revolution" tho
World revolution was practically impossible, since all countries had to be ready for that. They knew that and as I may guess wanted to show how good people live in their communist country, though they failed. I'm not trying to justify the regime.

You have to deal with other people, since the majority doesn't feel bad about flag, but you do. It's impossible to satisfy every person out there. For example if I don't feel good about "anti-christ" flag or "weed" flag, should they ban it as well? No, cause the majority doesn't care, they don't feel bad or good about, but some people might be offended. If you really feel bad about it, you just need to ignore it, nobody forces you to wear it. I agree democracy isn't the ideal system, but it's the best system applicable in given society yet.
The Great Soviet Union.. aah you just cant understand :) Thouse times were fun and it is a big "thinigi.

I was born in USSR and I had a wonderful life. We were "rich" but when USSR fall we just had to move to finland.
In USSR Stalin had lots of influence on people by fear. That works on russians coz if nobody controls them they go wild :D

When people see nazis flag on street or somewhere else first what comes to there minds horror... or something. When they see USSR, hmm they just think "lol" or something.
I demand American flag to be removed!!! cause they executed genocide against indians!!!

But if will be serious, its not a good idea to have USSR flag at this website...gaming website is a bad place fot politics. And that flag can insult some peoples feelings, especialy those whose relatives where executed/send to syberia...btw soviet symbolic is forbidden in some countrys.
check my comment.
aNdr3 said it y'all, listen to this guy!
ye 16 old kid knows a lot more than all others, congrats man.
No need to congratulate me or whoever.
You're talking about someone's age and judge/attack him on that, where is the maturity in that.
No offense but that doesn't make sense.
It does, when you don't have shit in your head. Will explain it for you. Kid gets info from media and some other influenced information sources. His opinion is formed on this base. Same thing in every other country. But well, look at all other comments, even if it's not reliable source of information it gives a pattern.
You are speaking like the things you say are 'facts', while they clearly are not since you don't base them on anything.

There are a lot of 50 years old that are influenced by media as well, has nothing to do with age, but personality and character.

Maybe in your opinion all 16 year olds are formed by the media but then I'll have to say that you haven't seen enough of them yet because having a certain age doesn't decide what you are/think/do.

I don't seem to have shit in my head and I still think your statement about the age of persons doesn't make sense, perhaps you are talking with 'denigrating' words to make up for what you can not explain otherwise.
The younger the more influenced are people, since they have less life experience, if you ignore this fact, go read some books, though even without books you can come up with that idea. Of course there are exceptions, but how the world can exist without exceptions?

QuoteYou are speaking like the things you say are 'facts', while they clearly are not since you don't base them on anything.

Name me at least one thing I have said that isn't a fact.
First of all, here is something that is not a fact:

"Kid gets info from media and some other influenced information sources. His opinion is formed on this base."

It is true younger people are easier to influence, but you speak against yourself since Andre (don't want to talk for him too much) is such an exception imo.

You're being ignorant by labeling people without knowing anything about them, and that is actually my whole point since from the start you came up with 'ye 16 old kid knows a lot more than all others, congrats man.'
I hope I was wrong, but majority of "young" people are like that, as you have agreed with me. Besides

Quotelol'd @ people with lack of knowledge, so what is the difference between nazi germany and ussr, what makes ussr so much better that it's flag should be on gaming communities.

made me really think like that, as it's common argument by people I have mentioned already.
Yep I can't disagree on such a thing, if you would have said 2 + 2 = 4 I would agree as well.

Now that you are saying you think he is like the majority it's different then putting it as a fact, aights.
my statement has high probability of being true and it's based on my observation, so for me it's a fact until proven to be false. And pls stop this demagogy, it pisses off.
Well you're just running circles now and become frustrated the way I see it, then again, I can't expect everyone to be open enough to admit something.

"pisses off"

We're done I believe.
Exactly opposite. You are running circles, having no arguments, trying to catch contradiction in my words. I'm not even frustrated, I just don't have any satisfaction in talking with you seeing how you are arguing about unrelated topics. You are doing it yet again. Don't spend my time (see: don't reply) until you come up with something valuable to read.
If you don't want to argue with me don't come with replies to me that don't make sense in the first place.

You can twist words all you want, and be 'right' in your world, just like I am in mine, I could have thought that from the start but some people are open to mistakes, other just stick with their own and don't want to hear different.
Doesn't matter since it shows character (the positive way) and being stubborn can be quite good so I don't mean that offensive.

I'm not too narrowminded to let others be what they are and see things from two perspectives.
Quoteye 16 old kid knows a lot more than all others, congrats man.

So you are telling me that my reply doesn't make sense? I will spend 10 minutes of my life to analyze my comment deeper, so you could stop your senseless comments, as it's your main argument.

Quoteye 16 old kid knows a lot more than all others

As I have told you, the point is quite clear here. Everyone who commented on this topic had normal view of things and agreed that ussr flag isn't offensive, at least it's not offensive for the biggest part of people. Considering guy's age and comment:

Quotelol'd @ people with lack of knowledge, so what is the difference between nazi germany and ussr, what makes ussr so much better that it's flag should be on gaming communities.

we can see that this guy implies on everyone having lack of knowledge, presuming he has more and sees clear reason for removing the flag. First of all this is quite offensive to judge everyone's intelligence, knowledge, even before knowing the facts as you said. So my comment is quite justified, don't forget I'm not directly attacking him, and my statement applies only to him, not to whole community like in his first comment. Besides age factor isn't the thing you should be ashamed of or get offended by. But it really matters. The intelligence is "expanding" over age, so we can say that in most cases the experience, thinking, pattern-thinking, the factor of influence, personality stability, opinion stability etc, etc are proportionally dependant on age. It's a fact, however there are better definitions.

Quotecongrats man

Huh, can it be more clear? Lost sense of irony? Well, if you really didn't get it, then here you are. There is quite a lot of sense in these two words, besides you are the first person who should have understood it. First of all I implied on you "echoing" to him, however you have no actual knowledge to support any of mentioned theories/pseudo-facts. But you still decided to write some awful stuff never considering the topic, or just believing what your 16.y.o. online buddy told you over the internet. Congrats man! The most reliable source of information. Well, if you aren't familiar with the topic then just don't comment on it? Of course now you will try to convince me you are mostly informed about it etc, etc. I hope you are not that type of people, you know what I'm talking about. Let's return to the topic. So secondly I just congratulated you with having such a mature and intelligent buddy. I hope now my words are clear.

I thought it won't get to this. But well luckily I just replied only with 1 sentence in the first place. I hope your blind stubbornness won't eat you alive.

QuoteNo offense but that doesn't make sense.

Well, it kinda does, doesn't it? If you are really so dull, then I don't know what can help you, but believe me, arguing with me won't fix it.

P.S. This comment does not require any replies.
i wrote the first comment thinking that it wont spread so far, it was "politically incorrect" and i made i mistake typing that. but basically what i ment was people, who think that ussr flag is just as any other flag, have lack of knowledge about the history of russia
Even if you read all books in all countries about history of russia from all perspectives it won't be enough to rate it or judge it or do something else with it. But I get your point.
for some people this flag expresses the regime, for some it expresses the country he was born in, but nobody can force anyone to understand it YOUR way. NOBODY will use this flag to express "the mass murders" and shit, you gotta be real retard if u think in opposite way. It's the democracy here. And Nazi flag and symbols is apriori expresses racism and it's derivatives. TURN ON UR BRAIN.
if someone was born in nazi germany, wouldnt it also express the nation he was born in? maybe you should use the reading skills you learned from your history books and type "fashist" instead, i mean thats how they called the germans right. or were those the italians? both, ussr and nazi germany are called totalitar regimes, you should accept the fact. if your father was a serial killer, would you be proud of him, because thats what apparently your motherland was, and still is.
No need to discuss with him - he's one leftovers of the "freedom bringers" in Latvia ;) They just don't understand that this flag and ideology brought a lot more damage to us. Latvians. In OUR country where THEY doesn't belong. They think "the winner way". ;)
yeah, im familiar with the situation, the good thing is, some of the russians, who have accepted estonia as a nation, not a russian province, are fine. but seems that most of the russians, who go to russian schools, recieve the same old propaganda education. although i like to debate on that topic, since this is one topic you cant really loose
Since when i'm leftover of "freedom" bringers? Looks like you know more than me then. With the same success I would say you are leftover of Hitler followers.
haha, find me a person who is using "nazi flag" as a country he was born in. LOL. Your comparison isn't applicable. My father is not stalin or ussr government, and I'm not proud of their actions, but well I was born in USSR and it doesn't change the fact.

Quotesince this is one topic you cant really loose

if it's like that, you have very bad argueing skills, cause you are just failing at it.
russia is the rightful successor of USSR, use their flag if you want to express your motherland. if you want to wake painful thaughts in some people, use the ussr flag. prestige gained from acting as a neo-commie is as lame as a skinhead.
as for the topic, i was talking about wether ussr respected or didnt respect human rights. thats a pretty obvious topic
LoL as I said in a lot of people's minds USSR flag doesn't associate with the regime or terror or negative stuff. It's their right to use it. Though non-slavic countries, that were in USSR, are of course drawing parallel between terror, USSR flag/symbols, Russia, russians, and everything that is connected to russian culture, just to gain political places/influence/money/power, since hatred of communism is pretty popular in this countries. I mean people in our countries (baltics) are using this situation in their benefit, especially by reminding the "red terror" stuff, so people will argue about history, continuation of propaganda and of course popularizing the actual "history talk" again to get political popularity. This system works in every county, just different topic. But think about it deeper. There are a lot of talks about it, but wait a second, do we get some profit from that? Do we get any additional working places, development of economics or some shit like that? NO! Every penny goes in the politician pocket.
i guess that russians need to preserve their pride and identity as latvians need to remind themselves who they are and were, not allowing to be taken as minors in their own nation, or not being grateful to someone whos deeds did not benefit the nation at all. so i understand why russians in the baltics dont accept some of the baltic people's beliefs.
as for the propaganda of spreading hatred, the hatred is kind of justified also, ofc its being used as a tool controlling the naive core of the people, but thats that, if naive people arent controlled, who knows what will happen.
i myself am too lazy to consume media and i have gathered up my understanding of the totalitar governments different books or conspects, mainly in the toilet. like the history between the world wars especially, so thats kind of my entertainment, thats why i like talking about it.
about the popularizing, it happens, and people who go with it, acting as historians, thats "lol" stuff, pathetic to watch
and finally, about the politicians, the system is corrupt as hell, dont even want to hear about it
For me hate is never justified, at least in that context. There is always a reason to things, that's why i'm quite tolerant even to national-oriented people who have beliefs in inequality of races/nations etc. I don't hate them, I just don't agree with them.
ill use it
Comment @ Dunno in our discussion since it won't work as a proper reply:

'People with lack of knowledge' doesn't say all of them, he is 'lolling' the people that lack knowledge as he says.

A long story around a simple thing with some unrelated stuff doesn't change anything, you're getting of the subject.
And that was the fact that you pointed out that he was 16, and sarcasticly used this to prove like 'yea he's just hyped by the media'.

Age matters, you used it the wrong way, that's all I wanted you to see.
But I failed, we're not going anywhere.

Oh and it's true I wanted to support Andr3, I know shit about history, no need to lie about that.
But I don't act like I know a lot of it either, don't run my mouth, it's that I know that Andr3 is well educated, not influenced by media at all, history freak.
Therefore I back him up cause I don't doubt his truth.

You could say, then don't get involved if you don't know shit, true maybe I shouldn't, but I only talked about your wrong sentence which I do actually have knowledge of.

I could define each word I use too, and explain a million things around them, but it won't get us anywhere.
Quoteknow that Andr3 is well educated, not influenced by media at all, history freak.

Believe me or not, but the sources of information, where he got his knowledge are influenced as well. History is a big lie, unless you have seen it with your eyes. It's like a broken phone, where everyone retells it in his favour, that's why it's full of inevitable ambiguities. I don't believe in history, as I don't like this subject, since every side, can have something to say in it's favour. It's chaos.

The age is everything. It matters especially how deeply you analyse yourself(if you actually do it), what you do, why you think so etc, etc Everything comes from self-realization, but it develops as you get older.
If you are 16.y.o you are completely independant. No. Even I am at some degree influenced in some way. Even if you are amazingly educated, it doesn't mean you aren't influenced. You will be unless you are inside the society. It's unavoidable. But believe me the degree of being influenced is dependant on age. And it's not me who figured this out. It's actually understandable. But I won't go in details, you can always open some great works in psychology, where it's described.

But yes I agree it's endless discussion, but you must admit that my reply had sense, you just ignored it, you took it as personal attack.
how do you actually see the history then, how do you understand it, history, is the media of the past, rewritten as correct as possible, post-war history, on the other hand is pure propaganda, each nation develops his own history for his own people. i dont count that as history.
as for the self-realization. humans arent as simple as that, the more ages you have, the more experience. people "consume" different experience differently. thats a fact.
and as for the replies, every single reply wwallie gave, had sense.
generally, this is just a simple clash of life philosophies, which ,yeah, usually culminates with endless discussions
Afaik I didn't say his replies didn't make sense. :-) Quite opposite. You are right, about "experience consuming", but imagine: you will be given an opportunity to listen to 1 person on some subject, but you have 2 options, the one that is younger or the one that is older. They are both statistically average in sense of social level etc. You will choose the one that is older of course. Cause you have more trust in people that are older, instinctively they have more experience and can use it more effectively than the younger. As I already written somewhere with a high probability this statement is true. And you are using it as well at least at instinct level.

The word "self-realization" I meant in deeper sense. Not just developing yourself in some ways, but also being aware of what you are.

Regarding the history, it's always closer to uncertainty principle than to reflection of actual events. If I'm reading some about some history topics, I'm always doing it with a big doubt, considering that something somewhere can be exaggerated or oppositely deemphasized or just skipped or in some extreme situations made up. It's slightly paranoid approach, but well, that's life.
I agree on everything you say here (don't know about history being a lie and don't agree with age being everything).

I didn't ignore anything, I'm trying to point out that you judged (I typed judge/attack if you look back) Andre directly by his age in first case, so that you used the whole sentence wrong, perhaps you meant different but I felt like responding to that.

I am pretty well aware of psychology and selfrealization and I love this, it is not that I don't know about being influenced at younger age, as I said imo you just used it wrong..
As I said, the world consists of exceptions and that's what makes life so diverse. :-)
dunno <3
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