:<<<< yerman stuff

so i just had my test to see how my ability to speak yerman was and i failed, epicly :<

just as did with:


pretty funny tbh, failing on vmbo-tl :DDD

np4me when the big exam thingy comes ill pass it easily

so how did yours go + good meurning
hehe I had german and french speak thingy today :D

had a 5,5 for french and a 6,4 for german* np4me

and for german? L:
only euros need german
euros still cooler than yankees
I got 2.5 for german and 3 for math at my final exams two years ago... And, so far, it has never been a problem
quite useless to learn german, since (im talking for the whole nation, np) i rather talk english with a foreigner than try to understand their shitty german
can you please educate the other millions of retards in your country who disagree with that statement? thx!
blame our friggin schoolsystem, when it comes to how useless and shit our englishlessons are
Have you ever heard English by Frenchmen? It's horrible...I think we learn a pretty decent English in school and I think we're only beaten by the Scandinavians in it, because they don't have such an accent as we have.
QuoteI think we're only beaten by the Scandinavians in it

Are you trying to say that the level of english in germany is 2nd best in europe and that scandinavia is 1st in europe?
Based on my experiences, it might be like that.

But tbh, I can imagine that the Dutch English is equally good but I can't think of many other countries in which English is learnt on such a level.

Besides - notice that I'm not talking about the pronounciation. Im aware of the fact that u can hear it by the first sentence, when a German is talking English...
so you ARE saying that the level of english in germany is 2nd best in europe....


Thx for making my day!
So..Tell me ur opinion. Which countries teach a better English besides those I mentioned?

As I thought about it, I noticed Liechtenstein and Luxemburg, but those barely count... :s
The level of english in germany is as poor as the level of english in france, spain and italy to name a few. Most of this is in thanks to your lovely government and media for syncing every show/movie to german.

Countries that have a great english level in europe are countries like sweden, denmark, norway, finland, holland and even slovenia etc, but most certainly not germany.
So, basically u add to my Scandinavia and maybe Holland, Slovenia..

..and imho, the English level in Germany is higher than those in France, etc. Maybe it's just my opinion and I fail in it, but my experiences tell me something else. :)
perhaps (and hopefully!) the level of english on the young generation in germany is picking up, but you will be amazed how poor the level of english is in germany with anything above 25 or 30 yrs old.
This could be true. The older generation can barely speak any English - at least if I look at my aunts or my mother. ;)

So maybe it's a generation problem, but I can assure u that the young ppl in the countries I mentioned are at such a low English level that it's sometimes unbelieveable.
It's kinda funny to see how you measure everything by the same yardstick.
East of Germany was conquered by russians, so the ppl have to learn russian in school and not english. My mother is able to talk russian very well, because she learned it at school.
The western part of Germany was allied part, so they have to learn english.

Mister, can you tell me where's your problem?!
That's german history, but it seems you never heared of it.
clueless? or are you just ignoring facts.

Besides, you have some beef with me thinking I'm a german hater and to be frank I'm not gonna go down that road with you.
As I said some days ago, it seemed so, that you're a German hater
edit: olo, I scrolled a little bit down and found something: "Tone the discrimination down by a mile or two or be banned."

same for you! I feel offened with your comment.
Discrimination and the fact that the majority of ppl in your country doesn't speak good or even much english are two completely different things.

But hell, if you want to think I'm a german hater, be my guest. You could be more wrong.
since when russians speak for germany?
ive been in germany before you were even born, better shush
my ancestors were already here 2000 years ago i guess :> can beat that?
ill give you a history lesson, uneducated nazitrash.

i'm no nazi, retard and i know what volga germans are :>
edit: that your ancestors 300 years before were german does not make you a german, most of you volga "german" idiots feel as russians, so what? how do you want to speak for germany?
i got a friend which is from romania and is only 1/4 german,but i bet he's a better german than you are
Mind telling me how one is a better german than another? :D
I asked you to tell me that. >.>
blond, blue-eyed, 1,90m at least
krhmnazikrhm :D? Not much germans in germany. :O
Somehow, they disappeared in the mid-40s... :x
ah missunderstood you lol
someone is german if he's born in this country or whos ancestors were from germany and feels as a german, simply as that, i dont care if on his passport is written "german citizen" if he doesnt feel as a german he can gtfo imo
omg, so much bullshit, it hurts. first of all, we want to be germans, but we arent accepted here as native germans, neither in russia as russians, so we are basically homeless.
and how do i want to speak for germany? maybe coz i am actually living here for 19 years and know this country, i spend my childhood and youth.
you are not accepted becoz (most of)you do not behave like germans o_O but more like russians

ok if you feel as a german i'm sry for my statements, but i made the experience that most of you russia-germans feel as russians
keep thinking stereotypical
i will because my stereotypes about russians or slaws in general,turks or muslims in general are right in 90% of the cases
Tone the discrimination down by a mile or two or be banned.
discrimination? we germans are discriminated in our own country
dont talk about stuff you dont know anything about,since you dont live in this country
but the fact you hate germans makes your comment absurd anyway
You are discriminating him, and I'm giving you a first and last warning to stop doing that or you will be banned. Be glad it's just a warning first because normally you'd be banned already.

Besides that, stop making assumptions such as me hating germans (where the fuck did you get that idea?)

scroll up a bit, for example
You can try and debate your point all you want, you are discriminating him. This is the last piece of energy I'm putting into someone that is actually discriminating, so another word and that ban will be in place before you can say things like "my romanian friend is a better german than you" and "volga "german" idiots" again.
i wrote french today....

omfg i hope i ll get a 4------

(1=good, 6=bad)
ol shittiest language ever :p
i'm glad i can drop it next year
hahah wrote maths today and forgot to give my teacher one of my sheets (which was still in my writing pad... forgot it because i was so excited :>).
we had a 10min break after this lesson and i realized that just when the next lesson had already started (~12min after i finished the test).
i went to the teachers room and gave my teacher the missing sheet - she gladly accepted it. phew. lucky guy i am :D

i assume it to be a B (70-85 / 100 points).

btw. french sucks, just like chemistry. best thing that ever happend to me at school was the dismissal of those two subjects.

wish u a happy weekend, enjoy it!
lol a friend of mine forgot a whole classtest on his desk,and just realized it after the 20 min break o/ luckily for him the teacher accepted it too :p
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