processes question

in the task manager or whatever it is called in english, how many processes is normal?
i have a shitload of them
remove svchost.exe it's completely useless...
yea, all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD
have 63
I have 45 with xfire + msn +whatpulse and some other shitcrap

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67 im on top now:D
uninstall windows + sell comp = life
You have around 18 after a fresh install. Having around 23 or smth would be a nice goal :). Above 50 may fuckup your FPS.
well, i have 80+ at the computer i play et at. do you know any programs to monitor it and delete some useless processes?
First of all start by checking your bootmenu. By installing various programs and applications, your bootmenu gets packed with useless crap. Just hit start -> run -> msconfig -> start-up The only process which is needed is called "ctfmon" + your virusscanner, mousedrivers etc...So you only need like 5 or 6 maximum.

Then try to look for useless services start -> run -> services.msc and switch off the ones you really don't need. Put the ones you sometimes use on "manual", they will only boot when needed.

If you still have too many processes, just google them or use liutilities, it really is an excellent site.

image: img_9ce6e18bcb7bb4d9f0656f2f55ed0462
Thanks for the usefull informations.
oh sweet, that worked out just fine. thanks man :)
i have 58 >.>
i have around 20 :o)
73 here
kanker, 29 here
26 for me
i have 46
theres no such thing as a "normal" amount of processes. Depends wat is installed, however with 63 you can prolly safetly close at least half of them.....
51 right now
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