Win or Razer drivers?

After installing Windows I put the no accel patches (the one that modifies the win driver and the regitry patch). After i bought my new mouse I installed the razer drivers.
My question is if there are acceleration problems with the razer drivers and the patches that I previously applied. Should I use instead the windows drivers?
no there aint no problems with razer drivers
install after installing the drivers if u want and enjoy noaccel
hahah@the boomheadshoot pic :D
Now I just saw that I replied you 5 times with "you suck" . Sorry I was drunk :D Easter blablabla
u shouldnt have problems using the razer drivers...
i would recommend razer driver, but don't install or flash firmware! At least for me wasn't pretty nice after :<
I would just apply the mousefix.reg.
I always had negative acceleration in ET with any mouse with >800 DPI so I prefer to play with 450 DPI xD
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