first: good morning @all
second: i need ya help especially from the football player.. yesterday i spoke with the manager of my old footballteam and he wants meh back @buise, and i said np i always wanted to start again playing football.


i need new shoes. so what shoes shall i buy?

i preferimage: 561043_F or a image: Adidas-Predator-Absolute-TRX-DB :/

plz help :))

EDiT: plz dont just look at the view of the shoes, i need some good informations about quality, material, etc.

thanks <3
f30 and other shoes from f-series doesn't fit good on ur foot.. so don't fuck this up and buy predators
dunno xd
it looks nicer than predator
predator ofc... LOL that was not even a problem...
omg i thougt the kiddy shoes WTF!

F30 looks nice but i think the materlias is shit is chicle or?
the typical illness of adidas: at the side its opening after about half a year >_>
QuoteShoes` eXg Manager: warum postest son kack?
EUPHORY! gari: was ?
Shoes` eXg Manager: das Journal
Shoes` eXg Manager: WHAT SHOEs?:O
EUPHORY! gari: problem damit?
Shoes` eXg Manager: asoo shoes hast nur genommen um das mehere Leute raufguggen

i lold.
xDDDD so ein lowbob der shoes
shoes = schuh = innen kackbratzen treten -> shoes. izi isnt it?
footballshoes don't matter if you've got a bit of talent.
u can let ur talent free if u got the correct shoes ;)
I'm sure that you won't get to a decent level with such a mentality.
if u have a computer with unstable 20fps and ISDN u cant have such a talent.
but with good settings its quite better ;) same in music e.g.: having good drums u can play much better than with drums bought @aldi.
It's all in your head ..., and the quality difference between a random €25 adidas shoe and a €xxx "supershoe" is negligible.

You have two types of players:

- the players that play for the attention: buying ultra flashy trendy shoes, trying tricks on the field, doing useless stuff,and care more about the people next to the field than the actual players...

- the sober players: they play football how it should be played (imo), they only do tricks when it's neccessary, they are motivated to inprove and get to the top if they are willing to work for it and are talented.
but shoes with good quality are quite better as shoes which costs 10€ in real. if u have good shoes to walk with, and to play with, u can play better than with shoes which are fucked up after 2 matches
totaly agree, football sherlock
totally agree.
i thought about some nike shoes too, and saw some good ones with good material. but the 90-series arent so good i heard oO
i like them but i'm just a casual player
too many turks and so on play football in ger
Predators would be my pick I think
i prefer nike...better quality imo
adipure - the ones KAKA uses. best choice. ever. kakka4life.
EDiT:this shit in an other colour!
image: Nike_Mercurial__31572
good old lotto shoes :DDD i had some of these in my childhood x) was quite good but the "stollen" are disappearing fast x)
yeZyeZ, my history lotto > adidas > nike > nike > nike > nike /quit!
adidas - lotto - adidas - adidas - adidas - adidas - adidas - quit (after my break) - ???
omg why adidas?

i feel so better with nike
my knowledge about nike shoes arent really good. and imo i never played with nike shoes :/ but which sort of nike shoes do u prefer?
let me search for some image, i don't remember the names of models

my favourite one
dont take predator, i used it and i didn't feel that its good... Take some JOMA shoes or PUMA maybe NIKE.

JOMA and PUMA same good as NIKE or mybe better, i prefer them. Atm i have some old PUMA shoes and it's great.

But your choice.
JOMA??? wtf? never heard of this
if i am right that's a spanish mark.
image: 18901bighl2

my pumas <3
Mizuno its making very good bots
image: 610-83755-untitled1
Mutu is using them and the whole romanian team
looks like that they have such good material and comfortable :/

BUT : i never saw them in my near Oo
mutu scored an awesome goal the other day vs psv
yea :D
i know...seen the game :D
i was watching sporting geting there ass beaten
image: HUM_10002_F

THEY PWNZ! look the style!! APPUà!

And btw i use this pair
image: 788001

paid about 30€ and i dont care about the style, i care about how much pain they feel when i kick my opponents!!!!11
np 4 some emos :o
the u need these: http://www.top-sport-berlin.de/media/images/produkte/adidas/schuhe/011040_F.jpg
had them 2 years ago, hurts quite a lot if u hit somebody with em xD
image: HBMrj71D_Pxgen_r_220xA

best performance tbh
last ones are fucking nice :O but that kind of shoes are really expensive imo >.>
now £56.00 the last one (~75 €)
but if you want to be good and this shoes won't die after 2 weeks, you should pay for it imo.
56pounds are quite cheap :)

but its clear if u want better quality -> u have to pay more ^^
it looks nice yes, but i don't think that is good enough
Its was the Shoe of 2006. Is rly good Shoe but costs 160 Euro.
i lold i saw this for 80€ :D and these shoes are the shoes of '06 cause of world championship. all "famous and good" player played with them and adverticed for them so np.
well, ye many ppl said that perdator was also an impressive shoes, but i think just because Backham and other "good" footballers wear it. I never used this shoes, i dont know maybe its really good, but i know many other shoes which also can be this good.
change ur flag moron !
dont play football, play basket !
I got this one : image: ADI2968_250_1
they look like that they have another material on the span to get better "grip" on wet balls.
Dont buy f30. My both big toe nails are now fucked up because of these shoes.
i would prefer the predator but the old one

image: product-1072999

but if you got a large foot than i would buy the "kaiser" okay the shoe looks shitty but it is so ownage to play with him <3
I play with the white red predators and cant rly say smthing negativ about em
image: 015508_lg

The best shoes what u can get!
these are very good boots tbh very comfy these new boots like to predz are shit material and arnt as comfy
yep. And they are for grass and sand :)
best shoes copa mondial i have this 2
image: q9X237K4jW8AtBL2IuBBEd-30

me has later a match :o

wish me luck
well it depens were you play imo.

if youre a winger f30 will adjust to you better (better to run)
if you play ina more central possition i would say predators (better control, more confortable and overall better boots imo)

i have these ones.

image: bootstv1

also if you decide to go for the f30 i would advice you to buy f50
first learn to play. then buy expensive shoes :D
i play football since i was 4years old. i just had a 2-3year pause cuz of school.
lotto >
just buy the shoes you feel comfortable in. the rest doesn't matter...
what league are you playing in btw?
regionalliga nord
laber welche jugend :O ich spiel oberliga zzt geht um klassenerhalt :D
war spaß :P

b jugend...haben neues team seit letztes jahr deshalb noch kreisliga...steigen 100% auf ..dann bezirk..usw...

unsere c jugend spielt aber regionalliga niveau..sind zwar nur 1. bezirkliga..aber team gibts auch erst seit 2 jahren...:P

welches bundesland spielste ?
oberliga bawü...
aber was ist ein bezirksliga sowas gibst hier garnit ich glaub auch kaum das da regionalliga niveau ist :D
also...bezriksliga ist eine liga unter landesliga xD

und unser team ist neu ..also mussten wir alle bei der kreisklasse anfangen...und halt immer aufsteigen....unsere cjugend gibt es ein jahr länger..und die haben schon diverse turniere gegen regionalligamannschaften gewonnen....im moment sind die 1. in der bezirksliga..nächstes jahr landesliga usw !!!

asoww sowas heißt heir glaub kreisliga :D:D
neeeee xDDDD eine oder zwei ligen höher xD

verbandsliga oder so glaub ich
1 bundesliga
2 bundesliga
bei euch fehlt die bezirksliga ...die is bei uns zwischen landesliga und kreisliga :D
asow okey jetzt hammas :D
erste mannschaft spielt verbandsliga oda so, auf jedn 1-2ligen unter oberliga un a-jugend spielt spielt nächste saison landesliga glaub ich :)

nike > *
Depends of the shape of you feet.
If your foot is quite wide, choose ADIDAS
if not, choose NIKE
go play basketball
They only look nice, take the Kaisers..
The only good one around imo.
just came back from buying new ones :D

image: 12042008169du3 Copa Mundial: simply the best shoes you can get

image: 12042008170tp2 Adidas F50: also great shoes <3
f50 in weiß+blaue streifen (genau umgekehrt) mit schraubstollen 160€ bei uns :D war bissi zu teuer. aber sind sau bequem :)
joa, ich bekomm 30 % und dann ham sie "nur" noch 140€ gekostet.. insgesamt 224€ für die beiden paare gezahlt, und das obwohl allein die F50 unreduziert schon 200€ kosten :)
ich bekomm ja eig auch 20% wegem verein unso, NUHUR erhatte zu -.-'

naja 50€ für die weißen predator reichen au :)
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