Paris - Roubaix 2oo8

France The most famous classic on the year 2008.
Starts tommorow, the hardest 1 day race is 259.5 km long. A journey of tight and
precarious roads – including 52.8 kilometres in 28 leg-snapping pavé sectors.
After this race the riders dont want to see cobbelstones for a long time am sure.
(except the winner)

Sunday's forecast is expected to include light rain with a high of 11°C and a low of 4°C.

So discuss, who ever is going to watch it. Who will win this year?
As we know last year the victory went to Australia Stuard O'Grady
and in 2006 Switzerland Fabian Cancellara.

The Odds @ Bwin

Belgium Tom Boonen 4,00
Switzerland Fabian Cancellara 4,50
Spain Juan Antonio Flecha 7,50


image: ghpr
Flecha will take it
hope so!

Netherlands Rabobank!
who cares since they are all doping
Dont think there are too many who will risk, because the punishment is pretty high. Example A.Contador cant ride @ tour de france.
ZOMEC!!!!! can i has zeh link from your fragmovie PL00000X!?!
Belgium Devolder
quick step
Belgium Boonen <3
cycling = cheaters
i was a big fan of cycling (jan ullrich..)
i even still belived in cycling after Doc Fuentes etc
but everyone got busted etc etc

i think they ALL dope when they start getting into pro teams


cycling got fucked by cheaters!

luckily football isnt only a muscles game, thats why we will still love it in the future =)
Don't let the German media drag you into that one. Just because so many German Telekom/T-mobile riders got busted, doesn't mean cycling is screwed or doped in general. Mostly riders who don't make it to the top start using doping. I'm still a big fan of Lance Armstrong, he achieved his victories with so much talent, dedication and mindpower.

Also keep in mind that even with doping, the bike doesn't ride itself. Look at what Stijn Devolder did last Sunday, compared to that all football players are absolute wussies and untrained spoiled noobs.
I belive also that Lance has achived all the victories with hard work.
boonen won't win, they just wont let him and i like that
Ow yeah, tom boonen
Reijo Lahekutt will win!
I really hope George Hincapie is gonna win.
Tom boonen did it againnnn
Well he did all the work for the tour only, remember merkx he basicly prestated all year, But Lance, nooo he had to time to take his hormonecure without getting busted;p:p
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