
Ok SO, I have this config I used at cdc4 (modus)! its the only decent config i am able to get more than 40 acc with! but if I change to a config i used 2 years ago or something i shoot >50 acc with it for 2 days, and then i have to switch back to modus config;/ cause i shoot really crap with the old config after 2 days;o
its hard to explain;((((((((

a) i suck
b)modus config is teh n1
c) i posess superpowers! for 2 days!

€ first
who cares about acc
its all in ur brain
stop wanking helps me..
placebo partly, you think changing configs will make you play better and so you will
a change is always good at times. but don't overdo it. It's the same in real life, you can train a certain muscle for a few months in the same way but after some time it will stop reacting to the impulses it gets, that's when it's time to do some shock training (= changing workoutstyle) so it gets new impulses to grow bigger
Wouldnt call it placebo, since he actually gets the results. So it's not his mind that changes the numbers @ stats from 40% to 50%. His problem is crappy confidence, changing to other players config(a top aim00Rz who has 50% acc!!1) makes him more confident in his aim. Once he plays with it for few days and forgets about it, he plays the same, then he tries his old config back with the thought:"this is my own config, ill own again now, np!" And voila! It works! For a few days...
TOPAIMERZWITH50aCC guys configs do magic!
No question about it!
thats the not the point at all, i used modus config at cdc cause he was in my team, and i didnt have my own cfg with me, appaerently i play rather good with that config, it was accidentely my old cfg appeared when i joined a server. Im not a config switcher..
thats some psykology, but i must agree with your theory..
self egoboost :o
it's a known fact that you shoot better for a few days with another config.
who cares about acc
you suck and you had only 2 days trial to use that bimbot!
well.. i dont know anything about that sincei play for like 2 1/2 years with the same config.. i jsut know that inactivity makes me better :o

playing a week wc3,cs,... or just nothing (like holidaysi n gran canaria) and the first 1-2 matches after the inactive time are like ÜBERbeAsty :P
highacc,alot of hs (first i thought its x-rax which makes me 80hs per round.. but no it was inactivity :( ),....

i dunnow.. maybe its just that u need smth different. cause if u have always the same its just normal for u.. or i dunnow :x

but perfos explain was rly nice :D but i dont think it is liek that :o

---> its all in your brain?

@edit: nice quitting cause u get owned @pub :D <3
im still at telenet;(
nice haveing fun by owning low guys !
i have the same thing with inactivity
but the differnt is that everyone is happy if u go inactive...
now start a flameware and i can´t answer g2g picking up girlfriend :(
tell me about your girlfriend.
she is Portugalsexyhot
Pics or she doesnt exist!
Can't see very much but it looks nice:P
same for me, i always play better the first time i use another cfg or an old one.
It even works with the sensitivity sometimes, like omg after all i am a low senser, then it s omfg high sens all the way!!1!111!
its a coverup for my warmup skillzz, MAKE AVIS!!
just get a some lagscripts , netlimiter, set sensitivity 0.00001, crouch all the time and u r ready to pwn
i can shoot >50acc with etconfig :<
buy bot
you get used only to 1 config all the time , and you keep playing like verytime you did (going to every place , catching every nade etc) , when you have other graphics,xhair etc you play like uniq or in other game :D like you didn't play before , i used to change configs ALOOOOOT , thats my reason.
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