wii mario kart

anyone got it? if not buy a wii NOW! come #nvc and lets play! or now #mariokart.eu
is it fun?
wii = gay, the games suck + the controller sucks
you can connect a gamecube or classic controller though
i know, but i still hate the wii
>.< When it came out friday, i was going to tha shop y0 know? and they said like: sold out, next shop: sold out, 5 more shops : not a single shop in Utrecht has it annymore>.<
best game ever!!!1
buy me a Wii and I'll come to own you
game is ownage, already met a lot of players from the scene!

adz jappio intact (atleast those were their nicknames)
got it and its pretty much fun online

i'd liked to have some races against cf members ofc!

ps: some of the new items suck
i dont know how to get wii connected to internet :(
just got it. Is there anyway to disable the shitty music? Does me brain out!

I use the nunchuck to steer. Anyone got any experience with the wheelcontroller?
that alarm sound is so fucking annoying
i use the wheel and imo its not that hard to control with it. tho I think about buying a gamecube or classic controller since best times won't be possible with the wheel
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