having no inet sucks :{

first of all it keeps me away from spamming and then i can't palypaly ET :{

gaytarded isp said new connection will arrive ~1st of april and now it will prolly be 28th april...

omagad is it possible to sue the isp for such a delay?? :/ nice fucking up OC for me !! :<

Random Pic: image: lustige-frisur
What are you dong here?!
rofl rofl rofl rolf rofl rofl rofl
Quotegaytarded isp said new connection will arrive ~1st of april and now it will prolly be 28th april...



now that is a real internet fuckup

at least the isp didnt make you quit ET, like they did with me

also: you cant sue them for something as minimal and unimportant as that, i cant sue them in my own situation...
sue them , i thought things like that happen only in poland ;D
i had same situation some time ago, was waiting for connection around 3 weeks after inet bought...
gl m8
no wai (o.\\\)
dont choose t-offline...
congrats on visiting xfore with no internet
haha nice april fools joke from the isp
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