VGA information

Alright this is the deal , i have a pretty old computer and my VGA is the
Geforce 6800 aka V9999 Gamers Edition

My motherboard only allows AGP cards , what is the best option i have to improve my fps (without changing my motherboard)
I'm willing to buy everything but i don't want to change my motherboard

Grtz vila

EDIT Apparently x1950 XT or Pro : which ones?
sheeps cfg
depending on your PSU you might need to buy a new one when buying a more powerful gfx card
an ati x1950 or something liek that should be good and not too overkill.
Read AGP slots only
ur current mobo contains some emotional value to you or something?
Too much work to change it
isnt 1950x PRO agp?
I did, and thats why I suggested x1950.
agp = dead
max what u can get is +5-10%
Good enough , how?
afaik ATI x1950XT & ATI x1950Pro are the best agp cards
but you will only feel difference if your processor is powerful enough
for ET just buy a new processor
update ur CPU, gives more benefit then upgrading ur graphics imho

the 6800 is still one of the better AGP cards, and if you are going to upgrade it send it to me I still got a FX5500 ^^
why no 3850 ?
If you are needing it for ET, the gfx card can be pretty shit.
CPU and memory improve it much better. ET is a pretty intensive game in terms of transmitting packets (game-engine and net packets).

I have a shitty gfx which has been burned to extinction. My cooler on ithas stopped, runs at 90 degrees Celsius, so i cool it with a fan and still i get 76 fps. It is literally too hot too touch, yet it keeps running :DDD

It wasn't playable though, until i boosted my pc with better memory. 1,5 Gigs. Now it is as smooth as sliding in a wet pussy.

ATI 9600 TX
P4 2,6 Ghz
5 years old.
a friend of mine plays at 76 fps with a 32mb geforce 2, so yeah, graphicscard isnt important in ET. just need a decent cpu
So what are you saying , cpu or Ram improvement?
Yes. Buying new GFX card for that config is useless.

Add moar ram. Reinstall windows, or just remove all random software from startup (msconfig in Run window) and disable useless services (google).
how much RAM do you have?
1,5 made a big difference for me as windows and trillian already consume 50% when i had 1gb.

You want to have your memory around 35%, so whenever ET needs excessive loads such as the first minutes after a mapload and when ETpro is using a lot, then you have enough buffer so your memory usage does not exceed 80%.

Buy 1 Gb of the same RAM you have now. It should be no more than 30 euros, easiest investment.
ordered an extra gig , hope it works , thx for advice ;)
Good metaphore
Shapphire HD3850 AGP, but you're wasting your money seriously, nowadays you can mount a very nice pc for +-500€ =) save and buy a new pc

3200+ and 6800 are more than enough for stable 125fps in ET though, try reinstalling windows. Some parts getting old, check your vid. card temperature and cooler, also clean your cpu cooler.
Prolly best to save your money for a new pc. If you want to upgrade and you are cheap maybe go for AMD Athlon 6400.
its 6800gt? pretty good imho, i used to have it on sli but one of them is dead now :(
look at my profile i have 100fps (geforce 2mx)
x1950Pro 512MB
how can you fucking recommend a card, 10€ cheaper than HD3850 35% slower? :<

thats such an intelligent buy, just like your 8800GTS (G80) 320MB one, congratz....
lol have that card already for 1 year. And didnt know they had HD3850 AGP cards.

Tard, think before you flame
Tard, make sure there is nothing better before posting shit, like they dont update all card lineup in one year, oh well
lol, not really a smart move by ATI for bringing AGP cards on the market nowadays. There arent many people with AGP anymore.

Member for 2 months and already flaming crossfire, nice
& read previous posts too from time to time. people posted HD3850 alrdy.

who cares how long? like you can flame more than me just becouse you were here before o.O haha
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