hosting a server?

in some months i will get a crap computer thats just gonna idle in my room and i thought about hosting a server from it (if its good enough) :O)

Intel(R) Pentium(R) M
processor 1.73GHz
1.73 GHz, 504 MB RAM
+ nice internet coz i live in Sweden
its good enough, but can ur internet handle it?
I dont know what speed i have actually, altho i download in 10mb/s so :)
damn :D Well afaik hosting a server requires decent upspeed, Think It'll definatley work but Im not sure how many players it can handle
ask lama, he did the same as you are going to do, he has 100/100 mbit connection, and his servers run fine
also: ur crap pc is just fine for a server tbh
I would bloody hope it's fine if he's running a 100/100 server :P
6on6 np for ur internet
dno about the server though and if it would lag cuz of the pc
upload speed is more important, I would say mninimum of 25 KB/s per slot.

so 300 KB/s for 12 slots so 2400 kbps, test it on and higher is always better ofc if you want do download or upload stuff whent he serevr is running.

best thing is to set a netlimiter on both the server and ur own PC so the server doesn't start lagging when you are downloading porn and stuff.
christ :D i only dl @ max 600 kb/s :<
ask triflip
Sweden Efterlyst
will be enough good, and ye ur inet will handle it dont worry...never heard about bad or low internetz in Sweden.

oh wait? u mean et server or cod4 server?
then will be enough for a server. but the best way if u try it :D
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