PC Problem Continued

When I turn on my PC it seems to boot up normally but the screen goes blank when Windows XP should normally load. It displays the smotherboard logo but then it just goes blank, I get no beep codes or error messages.
It was working fine jyesterday then the pc frooze so i rebooted it and now this shit. I even tried to reinstall Windows XP but the screen still goes blank after it says booting from cd. I can get into the in the bios but that’s it.
So i cant boot from safe mode
I cant boot from cd because of the same reason
The pc is less than a month old
Was working fine yesterday and i havnt moved anything on the inside please help me : (
Thank you
You have to take it and slam it to the floor

image: 70971

Neeh, just wanted to use that pic. Format it.
lol how to format if i aint got a floppy drive and i cant boot from the xp cd because the screen goes blank?
Take the hd to another PC. I had to do that once.
that is...amazing :o
:DDD <3 Thomm
Try to reset the mobo by pulling out the battery for +10 seconds.
yup, it will just default all your mobo settings.
its maybe a boot virus, i had one few months ago... i needed to buy a new hdd :X
bring it back to where you bought, and let them repair or give a new one to you
yh thats what im going to do, just effort lol
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