
Hi folks,

since a month my system works somehow pretty slow, since I have no clue about computers at all I have to ask someone of you. After scanning for trojans n stuff the system works properly again, but somehow it takes damn long to reboot. I bought my system like 7 months ago and the hardware is great (the videocard is not as good as the rest of the hardware, but that shouldn't be a problem, I guess), but somehow it takes up to 2 minutes to reboot. The Desktop is usually available after 1:30 minutes, but then I have to wait like 20-30 seconds till the System is ready to operate.

So guys, is it somehow possible to speedup the rebooting-process?
Is there a possibility to advance my system with some software to make it run smoother?

Thanks in advance, regards.

[+] random youtube-link
<3 esmée :')
i am drinking something which calls itself guinness but which thanks to the information from my taste buds i fear is actually lying :o(
2 secs for a reboot aint that long?
For a dual core processor it's damn long.
7 months ago the rebooting process took 1 minute or less, that's why I'm suprised that it takes now 50% more time.
dont bother. I have a dual core also, rly fine pc.
Full of porn and other trash. It takes like 10 min before its rebooted

mine is rebooting in 30 secs mAx!
why did you write it? do you want to hurt my feelings? :'<
Do you still have the 'freezing-problem'?
ye, my gfx-card is broken but I still don't get why I can play other games except ET tbh. I have to underclock my gfx-card to play ET without freezes. Anyway I will use the guarantee within the next few days...
Holy fuck :<
First of all it happened to me only at ET, but it's freezing now at Cod4 as well. Need a new gfx-card then...
I can't explain how it could suffer damages. oO pb destroyed our gfx-cards imo!
It's so fucking frustrating, but somehow I can't believe the card is broken, I'll try some other options within the next days, if something will work, I'm gonna inform you.
use Rivatuner and underclock your gfx-card to the lowest values and see if it's still crashing.

edit: maybe your card isn't broken but mine is for sure.
sorrie, much luv back <3
np, you just made me happy again <3 :}
i make every underaged boy happy! <3
Try cleaning the insides, helps me whenever something needs to be fixed. If that won't work, delete your system32 folder inside your /windows/. This will automatically disable all Autostart processes and therefore will eventually boot your computer slightly faster.
just dont use the vacuum cleaner :1
its normal
rebooting is definitly underrated. also the startup time of ur system is very important . . .
START > RUN > type MSCONFIG... Go startup and change what you don't need loading.

Or alternative...
I'm still waiting for the AMD > Intel Benchmarks.
clean ur autostart
start -> run -> msconfig -> autostart (disable all u dont know and what u dont need to be started with windows)
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