
is a sad lonely nerd , trying to hit on pansy ONLINE

i dont believe its
its its...oh wtf was it again? some sort of margerine??
bedtime me has now :(
just randomly browsing this beautiful site before zzzZZZZzz
really journal worthy.
your coooool
have a nice c[_] of tea mam xDDD
c[_] is a epic tag :D
says the girl who picked up gaming to get layed
oh shit, you found me out. sadly all i found was waki ,sheep and winghaven apparently :/ lifes a bitch ey
for you it is , wing is a catch for you though
ur brain finally processed all the info ? GRATS
coming from the guy who made a journal due to not being allowed in to a vent channel lol.
your one cool guy tbh
??? not being allowed in a vent channel ??? , i didn't want in the channel , i wanted waki to tell me wtf he was doing , cunt.
its called private chat, use it insted of a journal next time
he wasn't on irc at the time , otherwise i wouldn't have joined vent and started putting shit in my comment like a moron.

brains , use them instead of ur mouth sometimes
journal worthy stuff right there.
if in need of waki, make a journal.
it wasn't that , i've always disliked the way retarded male gamers ( n/o ) cluther around female gamers as if they all have a shot at losing their virginity with a girl that plays online games
and this is different in real life? its everywhere the same, idd, it pisses me off to. cause its sexism, but its the same everywhere.. so what are you gonna do about it!! forward the revolution!
pansy didn't , he did
oh ok......
hi kurbads
at first i wasn't sure if you are right, but then i saw this: Real Name: dunno the ugly retard

when my gf was sleeping here , i still got online and entertained u , i expect the same from others :DDDD
did u even tell the admin the bullshit i told u to tell him ?
i joined every 3days at least at around 2am
nvm already made forum post :)
the only thing i did was call everyone nigger when i was high.
saturdaynight is pokernight mofo :)
and why the fuck not?

for someone who enjoys gaming a woman/girl whos into gaming too is just awesome. so fuck off mr. jealous. :)
mr. jealous ? u clearly need to understand my point.
im open for an explanation
in short : female gamers disgust me
ta :/ come mix with me sometime, maybe i can change your mind? :/
tbh ignoring the lil comments above , i dont like girl gamers who get to where they are by being "girls" so i agree with some of the stuff you said.
already did
wasn't really impressed
might give u another chance someday

P.S: this is really nothing personal against u , i hate kitty even more because she's fat and has an e-relationship with a horse
hahahaha i honestly dont remember playing with you but ye come play sometime :) i can only hope for redemption :'(
i will from now on consider you a man/boy k?
hahah true but you should hate fasolka most imo
look at urself u little emo missy.
:D gtfo polish fuck
no more arguments?

*EDIT with sense ofc.
what do I need arguments for?
missed my point.
cya later, going make some food
can i play with you? now? oh shit, im lagging, sry, later :x

oh i think ive been on a vent with you the last week..... :O
:/ hmm im on acksaws vent abit playing hide and seek with tons of people i dont know so might of been on there
i know some that get into the scene only to get laid. true, sux, but hey whatever?

i know some that just love to play the game and are good at it, no reason to find that disgusting, right?
i could elaborate ALOT on this subject but i'm not going to because i rly wanna see william wallace kill people , but it involves feminin emancipation etc etc , ask me tommorow.
well since im a hardcorefeminist i can also elaborate alot on this subject :) have fun with that fucktard mel gibson!
EY , YOU DO NOT INSULT MEL GIBSON , srsly just don't
<3 patriot
<3 braveheart
<3 payback

P.S: Gender: Male -> hardcorefeminist WTF
Geen leven gij eigelijk , wa zit gij hier om half 3 ambras te maken over een fucking emo-wijf en ne paljas :D

ik verveelde mij :D
1. is that you on the picture above ? :DDDDD
2. the right girl will come soon ;) , i got lucky because i'm way to ugly for my gf ,but hey who gives a fuck ;)
3. i heard rohypnol works for some virgins !
1. i tought u were straight ? :DD
2. if she gives u sexual satisfaction on a regular basis ... who gives a fuck :)
3. that's why u asked if i was coming to cdc !

P.S gonna watch braveheart now BB!
wtf at 2

i love my girl beyond knowledge and i just don't treat her like shit .
what's complicated about that :s

my advice : don't be romantic , don't buy big presents and on her birthday fill a hot bath with rose' leaves and light some candles and KABLAMO the old tacky romantic shit scores u alot of points :) ( and unbelievable rough sex afterwards ;)
+ it's dirt cheap ( except for the fucking roses which cost 1€ / rose ( WTF it's a fucking flower ) )

quiet you, i heard you rape dead bodies so hushismushimushi
me love you long time
i fucking hate crossfire
Made me smile reading this journal.
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