life is good again!

In a follow up to yesterdays "oh the pain journal" many of you will be happy to know that material goods have the capability to bring out the sun no matter where you are.

Today my new Shure Se210's arrived and they're worth every penny!

This is the fourth set of Shure's I've had in 3 years and some may say thats excessive but they break kinda easily if you wrap them around your ipod and thats what I tend to do! Though the last pair I had broke within like 2 weeks after some tosspot trod on them. So I was using some old shitty pair which werent coumfy for like 4 months and theres no doubt that it was killing me inside.

Today the new ones came and i've not had this new series before and they're sooooo much better than before! I thought the new series was just a ploy to make people upgrade but oh how wrong I was. The new ones fit better in your ear and the foam moulds are so more coumfy in your ear than previously. I like to fall asleep with earphones etc in, whether thats on a plane or train or just in bed when drunk but the old ones I had were too uncoumfy for that, now I can again!

Plus unlike most non apple headphones they fit directly into my iphone socket!

They cost £70 and some may say thats excessive for headphones but i'd contest that you should try them and you'll see the difference! The first pair I got for free were the old top spec ones worth like £200+ and I thought, Oh ill just sell them no £200 headphones could be that good...well they are and the £70 ones are just as good.

So go get yourself some Shure's because they have made me forget that i have lots of work to do and that its raining! The only thing that could make this day better is Avram Grant got sacked.
And maybe Henry will sign @ Chelsea :D + bibuy IsraelGrant
never heard of it, but i will look for them coz i need earphones too... oh wait thats not usual plug? only for ipods or what?
No no they're usual, but iphones try to stop u using normal headphones and buy apple ones but these ones fit in my iphone too!
same price as a good sony... well i will try them before buying one i think
They're 110% better than any sony.
well i already disappointed about great brands like Sennheiser and Pioneer and Panasonic after Sony ... but if u say so...
some crook was standing in the apple store when i was buying headphones in november '06, basically trying to get ppl to buy sonys. anyway i got sweettalked and walked out with a pair of MDR-EX7SLs. they're earbud, so both noise cancelling and bass is good, whats more despite breaking more headphones than i can remember, these are still going strong, even the wire hasnt split yet.

thoses shures look good but they stick out of your ear a bit dont they? :p
k brb now i'm gonna make a journal called: life is good again! 2

cu soon toss!
Omg you drain attention from my software-advice journal!

BTW did you play Teeworlds with her or not?
tosspot happy again w00t :D
any progress with your dissertation?
well, its open i've just err not written anything on it yet and ive been sitting here for about an hour
that's the spirit!
And whilst typing a witty reply on CF i just realised how I can make my transition between case studies. w00t
admit it, i'm a great inspiration to you, am i not? :p
Its that seductive profile pic!
some fit bird walked by as I clicked that :(
deleted so i can browse without looking odd!
Try taking the boxers off your head in the first place
you my friend lag behind!
I got sennheiser hd 600 and I can say it's a clear difference between normal headphones and real hifi headphones :)

And since I use them a lot, why not spend some money for them as well
Exactly, I have some Sennheiser HMD-25 broadcast headphones somewhere I've just never taken them outta the box. But you cant fall asleep with headphones on :P
i will never be happy till the jew is sacked, appaulling. joey cole doesnt deserve to play under him, our best player atm by lightyears and couldnt even start even tho he is the fittest bastard in the team, fken joke, no chance of winning it now :(

im still in mourning of the title
But who could replace him? Laudrup?
with the style of football RA wants to play im thinking Riijkaard with Steve Clarke leaving and Zola coming in as a coaching role.... this is what i think will happen

my personal choice would be... JOSE.... will never happen but i can dream :(
I'm not convinced Rijkaard can do the job, he did well with Barca but that was primarily without any real competition, Madrid were not the team they are now when Barca were winning 2 years ago. In the Premiership next season we are assured of strong competition from Arsenal, United and Wigan.

Jose would of course be first choice
yeah, Jose became Chelsea's n1 mascot. If i were Roman i would call him back for any price. His release was a capital mistake.
rijkaard maybe... depends if chelsea want someone from barca tough
yeah and Chelsea wont win title 8)
omg! tosspot is so talactive and thats even not a shoutcast:P

btw. huhuh i see foonrik has rly nice nick atm. Someone is bored?:D
yup! he abused trev, i abused him :)
looks even more sexxeh now! ;)
mmm lots of emos in uni today, maybe yesterdays journal had an effect on them :x
on a sidenote, how was ze read yesterday?
didnt manage to do it, will do so tonight
oh ok, enjoy reading then!
and I believe I just saw sir Netherlands Leonneke passing by here xD
wow, what an honour :x
not willing to fork out for the 150+ group of uber in-ears?
no cause ill break them and I can get 2 for that price
buy some shit can headphones and wear them over in the in-ears as protection!
Will mess up my hair
wear a hair net
Hurray for consumerism!
I'm waiting.. :(
what the fuck happened with chelsea yesterday?

i lost 10eu because of them
So unlucky :999999
Check my hardware in profile ;)
I feel your pain, about having to do work! Got a 2500 word essay in for tomorrow, got a couple of quotes written down, amounting to 500 words, but apart from that, literally nothing done! :(
But you're a first year! That work doesnt count toward anything :P
shure are producing great on-stage microphones and in-ear monitoring systems, didn't know they also made headphones for the mainstream market.
theres alot of things you dont who the 5th cylon is. I do though!
tell me right now!
i saw you on tv!
you were on a channel called pulse.

shoutcasting a tournament i think the teams playing where stokes and bristol not sure tho.

but yeh you were there lol
You get Pulse in portugal?
i live in england and have for the last 5 years =]
Do you get money from the company to promote them? At least you can shoutcast tonight xD.
I wish I did, dunno if im casting tonight I'll see what the day brings
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