Interesting afternoon!

Weird afternoon, after picking up 200 pounds worth of new clothes, and 4 new books (yes I'm even too lazy to go clothes shopping :P)! Had a lesson were I just had to sit and relax and listen to two presentations.

Before that however, one of the mature (female) students had an epileptic fit. Was kinda interesting to notice how most people react in 'tough' situations, and how little 'we' know. I think it's perhaps worth including in a school education, some basic form of health education, i.e. how and what to do for people with epilespy, diabetes, etc

I mean, the lecturer only knew two things (because her uncle had it) and it just so happened those were the only two things I knew (my mum works in a hospital and has some basic medical experience) as well, if she goes fully, then put her on her side, and don't let her swallow her tongue.

We switched rooms, and there was a guy from security who came, like 10mins after she initially started, but the lecturer allowed anyone who felt shocked or upset to leave (no one left), and presentations started..!

Flat earth news - Nick Davies
A rulebook for arguements - Anthony Weston
Sister Carrie - Theodore Dreiser
Island - Aldous Huxley

Though I won't read it for some time, I'm partially interested in the Flat earth news book, which according to its front cover is about "An award-winning reporter exposes falsehood, distortion, and propaganda in the global media".

Anyway, a picture of one of my new hoodies! Ignore the messy room, and my ugly face..:'(

image: 2008041559263rq0
Very interesting, really VERY! :-)
More pink anti-perspirant's please ;D
Could have just posted a stock picture of your hoodie rather than polluting peoples networks with that god awful face of yours =DDDDD
See you at LAN!
So how is your mombot working?
How's life working out for you? :)
u look sad.. be happy!!!
Have to start essay now, that's why I'm sad! :(
He's always depressed. He was born out of a pack of walkers spring onion crisps, hence the arrogance 24/7 :{
hes a sad panda!
hi 2 u my emo friend
Hi. My rectum feels like its bleeding on the inside. Maybe your mums basic medical knowledge may halp me on this one too.
im sure my grandma would like to drink a cup of tea with you while enjoying your amazing stories about life ;D
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