Error at CF v3

It was the 5th time this day when I replied to someones comment or tried to write a journal/forum topic this error message occured after writing about 100 words which of course were lost directly after that.

QuoteAn error has occured:
» You do not have the correct confirmation code. You are not authorized to add a comment.

Usually I mark the whole text and then copy paste it to not lose it. But sometimes I forget to.

My dearest admin team, this bug is annoying like hell. It came up when CF v3 was released. Can you please do something about that. Thanks a lot.

PS: The same again before opening this journal
ohnoes :(
anyone else got this?
Uhm, I don't have that.
same here sometimes, but i never noticed when it actually happen
i already had that month ago ... seems to happen randomly
you only have 1 minute for writing.
this was done to avoid constructive comments.
its true. but it aint 1 min tho
ohh poor bo :f
I'm sitting the whole day long in front of Crossfire since I'm ill and this shit annoys a lot ;D
read my comment yet?

i'm ill, too. :-( f*cking flu...
happened to me when i was using a proxy server. are you using a proxy, too?

so the confirmation code you get from the page to post here is based on the ip you are using. when more than one user is using the same ip at the same time, this might be the error that appears.
We have a rooter here at home, five pc's are connected to the inet. Maybe this is the reason. Or maybe it appears when I have Crossfire in two or more windows opened. Dunno =/
thats the problem then, when it's open in more than one windows.

the latest window get's the current id to post comments, on the other sessions the id is already invalid.
Ok thanks for the info :D
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