etbot bust pls

someone rich buy etb0t and send it to evenbalance, and let see how many player will ger busted. If I have enough money in summer i will buy etbot and send it to them.
sry for bad english
i can pay 105 dollars for better scene.
idd :P let the cheatbusters buy 1
I tough already the same
watch out homey

though thought tough taught

which one would you pick?
hell no im not gonna spend my money on this shit
We would see spam like with that multihack "bug".. "omfg I dont cheat ! evenbalance suxx omgomg"
No, not true.
Admit it ! You would make journal about it too! norsubot v6.66 user!
I would like to, but I don't know how to make a journal , Mr.Krisse 666 who is listening to Rihanna,::DDDDDD
It's KIPE- who is listening Rihanna np :D
You are a metal fan, and you listen to strange fin music PLEASE :D
thats correct sir :D
Why don't you invite me on my vent anymore?
you can come without invite :((
Yes, and when I come you ignore my whine. :/
Gimme @ PM ip & pw, so I come tomorrow :)
You naughty boy, don't buy cheats!
make some paypal accound xd
Got something to hide??
The bot got already leaked a few times by some customers, which I don't want to mention. A very few players got even busted afaik, because they forgot to update it. But it's just a matter of time until it's updated again. Panse would have a bit more work, but it's not a real challenge for him.

You will get warned as a customer, in case of you have to update it, if it's detected. I am not sure, but I think it is like that.
Member For: 6 months and 22 days
hmmm i send money to evenbalance 105 dollars and they buy it? they download all updates and allways pb detected it? nc cant find evenbalance on theyr customer list and it is end story of etb0t.
pb somewhere said that they wont pay for hacks or smth like that

i think that even goes if you pay them, they take it as donation and buy themselves more bigmacs
:D EB/PB doesn't give a shit about ET, so I don't think they will make that "buying" deal. And they don't pay for cheats.

Don't misunderstand me, it wouldn't be senseless to do it.
Parent 105 for etb0t and lifetime acces to updates
but every time it's detected, a couple of players will be busted before the update :x

not bad imo
didnt they say that they sometimes let the bot be undetected for a while to catch more users or something.. Someone should get one right after they update it or sth and be close with the pb team to obtain ip adresses etc for crossreferences so we can have a n1 fusenlist end of the year ;D

Btw Whats with other bots, from poland, JAPAN and so on, anyone know anything, must be good coders in asia :D
dont waste your money to that bs tbh, give it to poor children instead
scared of getting hit by ze busthammer? :PPPPPP

but well, indeed, poor children would have more from the money!
Or why not just a nice cheater send it to PB, or better yet... DONT FUCKING CHEAT AT ALL lol.

The only reason people cheat is because people whine and they like the satisfaction.
ostetaa Sukka botti Rakkilaumalle....
oh noes i am gonna be detected :(
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