How do things like this happen?

A while ago, my dad was redecorating my room, putting new floor 'n stuff, so my computer was downstairs, Np in most maps FPS switching between 90 to 125 sometimes even arroun 120-125 stable. But now that I'm back in my room with my computer, i have troubles getting 60 or 70 fps :S, had stable fps before PC wen't downstairs to, Didn't change anything in cfg except fov & drawgun :S

From fov 1o5 to 9o en drawgun 1 to drawgun o, so it would give more fps =S

What could of caused this sudden fps lag :S
ur dad decorates ur room? oO

large fov and drawgun 1 decreases fps.
New floor, new desk, new closets 'n stuff, I told him what to do, Just to lazy to do it my self ^^
seems like ure the worst son ever.
Maybe you don't know how to / can't do it , that's the reason.
do you have a satellite dish on the roof? it might attract alien signals which steal your fps.
Those bastard aliens love wardriving I heard
just like Slarppa says, larger fov decrease your fps.
I changed from fov 105 to from 90 and from drawgun 1 to 0 =S
LOL i just LOVE those stories....
"i moved my PC to the bathroom and now i has 10 FPS less WTF HALP"

ghosts steal ur fps tbh
Yeah; but this really sux, I used to have +100 allll the time @fps, now I dont even get 90 in spawn on b4 :S
read my comment, ghosts steal your fps 100%
heat maybe? :O if you're in a larger open space maybe your machine remains cooler!
room temperature, air flow, cpu temperature, ghosts, aliens, who knows.
I don`t get it, cuz my PC was in the same room before it got redecorated :S
ur computer doesnt like what ur dad did to ur room :<
also reminds me of this:
image: glob-pirates2
try paris hilton
at home i have 0 fps with a cpu benchmark and at someone elses palce ive got 2 fps with my pc

i dunno how smth like this can happen maybe ur pc doesnt get cooled anymore and is overheating
A family of mice moved in and are using the fan as a running wheel.
There really is no other explanation!!:p
maybe something broke when you moved ur PC, check if all fans are still working etc.
a coincidence, is it really that hard to realize?
clean your pc of spyware, viruses and shit like that
is hij meschien gevallen dat je pa het niet verteld heeft ?

Of meschien en ik heb dat al gehoord
zijn er stoffen aan je vid / moederbord gekomen

tip: Kijk eens of je koeler het nog doet

in ieder geval Gl Jesse <3
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