Wlan + PB

Since the last few PB updates a month ago I get like 10 times every round a 999 for some seconds. Just ET is lagging I can understand the ppl @ vent / TS perfectly while I lag on the server.

Anyone got a solution? I thought about buyin a 20m lancable, but before the pb update the wlan worked quite ok. Btw, I dont lag on ETTV. :/

thx in advance.

problem solved, thx to mens0
can you give me your settings? :_(
settings? u dont need any^^
Settings? wtf? Control => disable WWC => problem solved
image: axvmy9qc31e4ltg7y

Is this Wireless Zero is disabled normal?
Ye, it has to look like that. Try ET, whether u still have the problem.
Its solved thx< 3
da klauste aber meine grässe idee freunchen 8<
Well, I've done the same before the format. But I hadn't any problems a few days ago, so I thought it's caused by my new wlan adapter. But it was caused by the pb update. So it was just a reminder, but still thanks. :D
Aha, I see whats happening

Apperently you have issue's with ur circut wire connecting trough the internal database of ur modem configuration, you should check to see if ur constipated dad isn't using it :O
my dad got a wire to the router, iam the only one who is using wlan on this router. furthermore my dad isnt using his pc quite often :O
Reconfigure it? (The rooter)
Are you one of those IT Professionals?!
get a wire!
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