mouse input
17 Apr 2008, 16:44
Journals <- Link doesnt work anymore. Can someone give this program or something similar.
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
how can i use it exactly i double klicked on the exe but nothing happend plz help a bit:p
well i can see in the taskmanager, i think its running now
It puts your mouseinputs in a buffer, preventing neg accel due to very low fps and lower sens. Also helps to make the mouse feel more stable when playing with unstable fps. I only recommend this to people with a shitpc. Just like vsync it adds input lag to the crosshair of 1 frame (1sec / 40 fps = 25ms).
If you got mf_init running in processes any q3 engine game will use direct input.
Does this make me pro
and there is no better way to get smooth aiming than stable fps