msn plus

I can't find that scipt where it notifies you when someone has opened a convo with you. HALP!
google> messengerplus live scripts
Google has failed me, epicly.
Google does never fail!

It's not the google that fails!
yes it fails
no the google doesn't fail!
yes it fails
no it does not
fail my picture is on my profile, well google didnt fail, u fail, so ok u win argument
Har har, google wins again!

But ur u emo then o.O
But seriously, do you know where that scipt where it notifies you when someone has opened a convo with you is?
Not if you want to know when someone starts a convo with you.
It's called: "Live Notifier".
Maybe they open the convo but then get too shy. Maybe they just want to look at your lovely face in your DP. Maybe they were just about to talk to you then got raped. Ever think of that? huh? HUH?! You could have prevented a rape, loekino. Shame on you.
I was the rapist. Look what you've turned me in to.
honey i'm home :D
already am! Was waiting for you :D
and cookies :D
hmm i can smell the coffee already, i know that you are near :D
and is it nice?
need to shave it :/
hmm great idea!
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