The Forgiving Community

The community is in deep shit, when we have enough problems with hackers - we see a lot of ex-hackers coming back. Bans expire and they come here to search for a clan yet again. People cheer and welcome them back like nothing ever happened. Forgive and forget right? Bullshit. They should never be forgiven.

A lot of ex-hackers play in highskilled level already and most of the people seem to think it's OK. For me it's not and i really think that all ex-hackers and people who accept them are equally sad. Now those players play in EC and even go to LAN's. They're as respected as they were at the time they used hacks (of course, without people knowing about it). For me, once a cheater always a cheater - someone kicked out should stay out. Lifetime-ban for every busted hacker please.

QuoteIt's OK to cheat in public because we're highskilled competitive players

This is one of the reasons you ex-hackers like to spit out. What, so you have all the rights to cheat in public server just because you are so high and play in most respected cups and tournaments? Fuck you.

Ok enough rant...
Calm down! :D
I dont think cheating in publics just for having fun is so bad than cheating in clanwars, cups, ladders etc... Im often wondering that how some people can have so low moral that they cheat for achieving something in a pc-game. :x And its also pretty weird that many of them are 18 and older.
It doesn't matter where you cheat - the point is that you CHEAT.
Well my friend had ET on his pc and tbh it was fucking funny to rage @ noquarter or jaymod-publics where only possible vote was 'mute'. xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
You should respect every player you meet in this game (unless you meet a hacker / whining kid).
once you cheated on a pub, the desire to try it in a scrim as well comes very fast.
I've cheated on a pub and gotten banned for it (served my ban, i would never cheat again, the punishment actually works for honest players that have tried a cheat). Not once did I think of using it in a scrim - the humilation of being caught especially playing with my friends is too much.
how many do you think believe some1 sayin this?
imo the nais ones+the ones you have known b4 cheating the single time and i met a lot of not nais ones:s
tbh it's the biggest reason (amongst others) why i've never tried to cheat in any kind of war (public,official, ...) eventhough i've been cheating for around a year and half. i think that if i wanted to, that i could've cheated without ever getting busted, but it simply isn't fun.. and considering i've never really played with anyone but my country-mates, there is absolutely no way i would fuck up any of them

i think that cheaters caught on publics should be banned for a shorter period of time (6 or 12 months), and anyone caught cheating in _any_ kind of match should be banned for life. even longer!
please, think about ventrilo
no that is not enough
I think it's just fair that they get a 2nd change after serving the 3/6/12 months but if they're stupid enough to continue cheating after that they deserve a lifetimebankickdickslap2face imo. I know a whole lotta cheaters who were pubcheating / trying a cheat in wars just out of curiosity and unthinkiness and after getting busted obediently served their bans and wouldn't cheat again. It's just fair that they can try again
Why would you wanna know how cheat looks and feels like? If you are truly honest player - you wouldn't even consider trying out a cheat. Second chances are bullshit even in real-life sports.
cheating on etpub is kinda fun though.
well, for people cheating in offi's, cups etc. with a bought cheat and using it clearly to "achieve" something could be given 666month ban rightaway. but people who at 15-16years of age don't think about the consequences and try some free cheat out of curiosity deserve a chance to ottaa opikseen and go on playing fair. Like in IRL sports if you use hemohes you get a few-year ban but get a 2nd chance - and that's even professional sports, we are talking about internet games.

(if you didn't know yet - I am one of those curious kids ~1,5 years ago, didn't get banned tho because I have dynamic IP and there wasn't an IP match. my friends got banned and served their bans and I would have served too if there would have been a proof of me. nowadays those friends (from MASCULINE_MANS) have learned their läksy and are playing fair and playing pretty well.)
I agree with you. They should all get 2nd change.
image: south-park-homeless-change
first cook them. We can ask ramsay!
some peoples wants to experiece what hack is, for god sakes
lifetime ban and burning down there house would serve them right!
and raping their little sisters
and raping their mothers and fathers!
or jamie oliver!
hacking != cheating
Hacker may refer to:


Somebody who uses cheats in video games


Taken from the wikipedia
wikipedia isn't always right
Don't listen to the norms :)
If you think that all those cheaters don't even deserve to get a second chance after being punished you are one giant idiot. Following that logic, anything that makes you go to jail should make you go to jail until you die. My god you are stupid.
Nice one mixing up real life and online game.
Nice one not seeing the obvious synergy in the argument. You are even more stupid than I thought.
I have my point of view, you have yours. Useless to start a debate about this and thanks for calling me idiot.
So you open a Journal with the message that cheaters shouldn't be forgiven, I tell you that the idea is dumb and you try to talk your way out of actually talking about it. Good one.

Edit: By the way, I think the ESL's way of dealing with cheaters is pretty neat. Basically if they catch you cheating you get banned for quite some time, if you write a good essay with at least x amount of words (I forgot the exact amount) that actually makes sense about why cheating is shit and why you won't do it anymore bla, the ban may be reduced to 1 year.
go make one of your comics instead of crying
or pete pleasure!
or piet paulusma
i blame mystic. because we want to be like him, and cant get any better than the skill that we all are (low), we should use cheats to score more headshots, or at least use wallhack not to get backraped, in order to get more fame? et failed from the moment it was free imho, i wait for rtcw2 that will save us. now we have 100 mystics in the community, and almost all "aimers/highskillers" online are med max on lans (lan hax are being developed btw).

Quote90% of the community used, or still uses cheats

Greece Malakomunis

ban cheaters for life
or chuck norris!
nah, it's called psycholocy or something like that
Or tosspot?
Do you agree with me that we should ask him :p.
i think u iz loekinoooe
Hackers have to realize that online games were not made for this kind of bs. If they want to cheat, they should go play a single player game. Most people that play all of these online games, they are playing for fun, and sometimes for competition. But you have to understand, many people that play these games are just normal people that go to work/school everyday, and after a hard day, want to relax and play some good ...'ET. Or whatever other online game it may be. They want to play a fun, competitive game. Now when a hacker or a cheater goes into one of these games, and starts headshotting everyone on the server, how do you think the person that just wants to have a little fun playing feels?

Sure I understand a lot of people hack just to piss others off, but why? I don't get it, do they really have to ruin others peoples video game experience for a small laugh, or whatever other reason these people cheat.

Games have single player for a reason. Single player has cheats. Go cheat there, do all the cheating you want there, nobody is effected except yourself, and that is the way it should be.

this text is not from me but im 1000 % aggre
wanted to say well said Honey <3
LOL I was like "wtf happened, dayna with nice english" and then I read that its not her text =D
thats what I thought, was disappointed at end when she admitted it !!
I would consider using other people's text as HAX aswell (1!11!1!!!!)
bah wsk .but the text speaks me out my soul...............
Yes I know.
I agree in some parts... though some players who play ET just for relaxing usually gets pissed of spawnraping @ publics or something like that :D
or HansoO Wurst
Quoteshepherd on 17/04/08, 19:04:38 GMT

I have my point of view,

My point of view is exactly the same as yours.

Zero tolerance for the win.
Zero tolerence could never work. It's useless discussing it, as on the internet you have no way of proving somebody is who they say they are.

If you ban someone for 6/12 months, chances are they will come back and stop cheating, because if they get caught again they get 10 years.

If you ban someone for life, they won't give a shit, because they have no chance of being unbanned. They will just change their guid, change their IP, and get a new nickname, and since they have no fear of being banned for 10 years, will probably continue cheating.

I understand why you would want to implement zero tolerance, I just don't think it's possible.
What prevents these people from getting new guids, changing IPs and nicknames during the 6/12 months ban? Do these people actually give a fuck whether they're banned for 10 years or not?

This lame tolerance policy has made ET the cheater playground it is now. If you get caught, you have a chance of coming back 'legally' as if nothing happened. And during the ban you can play with a different identity if needed.

Cheaters always win.
ET would be worse with permabans, a lot worse.
thing is if these players are so skilled to begin with why cheat on a pub against ppl that you should wipe the floor with in the first place its a bullshit excuse tbh and no one can verify or be a 100% whether thats the only time they used one to many people lick chocolate stars around here when it comes to cheats
Do i really need to give examples? Just take a look at couple of top-teams at the moment.
if you cheat on public servers, you get banned from public servers
if you cheat in clanwars, you get banned from clanwars
I want more following "sheeps" in your opinions.
force the fuckers to kick this :p
the game would be even more dead if you 'didnt take' ex-cheaters back

95% of guys on the CB ban list have never been even suspicious in clanwars. banning them for life only gives them a reason to cheat more.
Ban 99% of the community then.

120 month ban for all cheaters hf
i didn't know that ×.×
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