Germany's next topmodel [ger allowed]

image: backstage_01_500_375_ProSieben_190x214

her face is full of fail.

i want her to gtfo. seriously.

she belongs in my bin
I would say:
image: tits_or_gtfo
i like ra rakel or so? i dont know the name =D
from Switzerland
all of them are ugly tbh

ok one is nice at least ass and legs
she makes me think of a female kuraigu :D
bianca is allready out :<
i think this blonde girl.. heidi will win!
not rly my style ... :(
imo this fatty and gisele should be kicked out..and that other babyface....truly failures
epic fail, hope she gets kicked today ;D
yeah and that stupid voice .. (btw is she really only crying n stuff all the time.. only saw the cuts at tvtotal)
GISELLE FUCKING SUCKS. She's by far the worst bitch EVER in this show. Sadly she won't get kicked today since she got those jobs ~~ even though I hope she dies a really painful death full of whine like she does 24/7

pure hate -.-
I HATE HER! That damn crybaby... her voice is just like... urgh. so annoying!
"I can't to this, I can't do that, No I'm scared, No I don't want to do that, I don't know how to do that..."
Well i bet the only thing she knows is how to give a bad blowjob -_-
don't like you anymore... didn't knew you are watching such stupid shit!

i'm going to cry myself into sleep.
i'm sorry :< pls don't hate me. :<
<3 :( i'm sad pandadette now :<
image: 9389_Bachelor_Party_Costumes_PenisHat

a penis hat for you. <3
heidi klumheidi klumheidi klumheidi klumheidi klumheidi klumheidi klumheidi klumheidi klumheidi klumheidi klumheidi klum
hi2u klumheidi
zomg cant believe this annoying cunt did it to the next round.
best ones are already out:<
idd teh black one was n1
+elena and the 2 looking similar to her...but the first got dismissed @ last 20, 30 or sth the other one dunno and elena too now:'<
owned sophia!
nice nice sophia got kicked bibuy germanys next topmodel
welcome germanys best fucktard
scarlett johannson muss gehen :*(
lol was ne frechheit!! die schönste geht und die hässlichste bleibt...
e-drama :<

A chick with a dick

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