KiLl3rBoY's obsession

Ok, I don't know why but KiLl3rBoY seems to hold some sort of grudge against some players, let's name some:

and Fab some more...

In your most recent attempt to a bust you posted some very authentic looking screenshots that was supposed to convince people that you have indeed caught a cheater.

However... that bust does not proof that the person you busted is Fab, it could have been anyone, Fab has a dynamic IP... the IP's match, the guid matches(spoofable) and that's it.

I asked KiLl3rBoY if he's got anything personally against them, he responded that he simply does not like cheaters.

Why don't you get that if people put a lot of time and effort into a hobby that they get better at it?

Now, there is no evidence what so ever, KiLl3rBoY is allready stating they are cheaters, does this seem right to you?

Innocent till proven guilty KiLl3rBoY, innocent till proven guilty..

Worst part is that everybody blindly follows you, no matter what happens now, fab will allways be labeled a cheater...


Until proven that the person going by the name of NooBy is indeed Fab, it is highly unfair to assume it is fab and consider it to be evidence, imagine if this would happen to you...

Also, you claim that pbguids can't be spoofed.

And that your bust was valid.

You know that fab's IP is dynamic, and that etpro guids CAN be spoofed.

Then you catch someone called NooBy for cheating, someone with a DIFFERENT pbguid then FAB.

Now if Fab would really be NooBy, and what you say about pbguids is true, then how come NooBy has a different pbguid then fab? if it can not be spoofed then how would fab be able to? meanwhile fab's pbguid has not changed.
Fab and Fab :sadaf lrsks aksooOOLAIsss ok
second that
love fab!
the only clean one :OO
well, that fab guy is quite busted
couldnt agree more
You're saying Fab isn't a cheater? :O
if i remember well, ronner or someone (maybe rafiki) made a journal about fab after an ETTV match and like 10000 people agreed that he is fucking cheating. so maybe he is RLY a cheater. and this "proven till guilty" is a bullshit... thousands of killers running outside free coz this fucking sentence
shut up... gay mofo
"cry me a river"
how u think the got the river severn ^^
haha true ;o
btw nice english (Y)
Who cares who made a journal, did they proof ANYTHING?

So many people just blindly following their idols holy shit...

innocent till proven guilty bullshit? do you happen to be religious as well?
So you'd rather let ostracism be?
Can we see some more info/details about that?

Don't trust your word anymore.. just your word won't do.
because fab is your friend? mafkees
Because he is obsessing over this.
mafketel dat ken echt niet he 8DD
fab is kinda obvious and should be banned imo
Obvious in what way?

I think you are obvious you should be banned imo.
I see much in killerboy's avis

btw can't u just realise that u are kinda biased or don't want to get your mate busted, so can u stop with this already and we see if bulldog thinks it's worth a ban or not, it's kinda useless to attack killerboy's person for nothing

And now this is some brilliant thinking that u say I should get banned. Make some avis of me that are even half that obvious and we can talk about it
QuoteI see much in killerboy's avis

btw can't u just realise that u are kinda biased or don't want to get your mate busted, so can u stop with this already and we see if bulldog thinks it's worth a ban or not, it's kinda useless to attack killerboy's person for nothing

And now this is some brilliant thinking that u say I should get banned. Make some avis of me that are even half that obvious and we can talk about it

Biased in what way?
As there is no definite proof that fab is the cheater, I just think it is wrong to label him a cheater, it's just wrong.
Besides I'm not attacking killerboy, I'm not attacking anyone in fact.

I'm not saying you should get banned, it was just an argument against the 'ban for suspicious avi' mentality.

Avi's should not be used as 'evidence' everyone gets some amazing shots, what's next, banning based on fragmovies?:P
many guys in the past got banned just because of avis (like alexL)... you example about me was dull because no one has accused me of anything (make a suspicious avi or something about me, then it would have some relevance)
u are fab's mate, that's why u are biased... if u were just some outsider trying to defend him, u wouldn't be biased. Eg. mens0 once said to me htat one guy isn't hacking because he first thought it was his mate, but later it turned out it wasn't the same guy and after that mens0 was sure the guy was hacking... so it's a bit same situation with u and fab atm..

btw, tell me a way how private hax would get busted, because they don't cause red yawns or give dirty pb shots.. imo avis are only way to bust such
Quotemany guys in the past got banned just because of avis (like alexL)...

you example about me was dull because no one has accused me of anything (make a suspicious avi or something about me, then it would have some relevance)

u are fab's mate, that's why u are biased... if u were just some outsider trying to defend him, u wouldn't be biased.
Eg. mens0 once said to me htat one guy isn't hacking because he first thought it was his mate, but later it turned out it wasn't the same guy and after that mens0 was sure the guy was hacking...

so it's a bit same situation with u and fab atm..

btw, tell me a way how private hax would get busted, because they don't cause red yawns or give dirty pb shots.. imo avis are only way to bust such

Why does that have any relevance to what I aim saying, that it doesnt happen doesnt per sé mean it is justified.

It was a statement, I'm not actually accusing you of anything.

Actually I am not biased, ofcourse I am fab's mate and personally I do not think fab hacks, because I know him that well, however, I am posting here with a 'innocent till proven guilty' mentality and in my opinion, that shows in my posts.
With the 'fab bust' I have allways posted like this:
"But this does not(yet?) prove that the cheater is indeed Fab."

Notice the '(yet?)' part?
I am basing my posts on what evidence there is, and the (yet?) part on what evidence there is said to be(wich I - again, personally - doubt is authentic), personally I believe Fab, but I think I'm doing a pretty good job keeping an objective mind on this matter.

So I'd say the situation is different...

And as to your last question, there is no way to 100% proof that, let's see if ETAce can change that!

Till then, does the OMG AVI GRAB YOUR TORCHES AND PITCHFORK approach really seem fair to you?
we have seen ip match, suspicious avis, a quite random guy owning the game and much more... I think we've seen enough.

I think it's good pp lcare about the game and try to bust the cheaters. I think there aren't many cheaters around and the whole cheater paranoia is kinda overrated, but fab would fulfill the requirements of one
Quotewe have seen ip match, suspicious avis, a quite random guy owning the game and much more... I think we've seen enough.

ip match of a dynamic ip...

Suspicious avi's don't mean shit, everyone gets some lucky kills.

Wether someone is random is relative to who it is that finds him random, he's not random to a LOT of people, he is random to the others.

Same applies for you, you are not random to some amount of people, but completely random to another, stop using the whole 'random thing' like it's accurate, and as if it is some kind of insult.

It's not an insult to not be known by you:P

QuoteI think it's good pp lcare about the game and try to bust the cheaters. I think there aren't many cheaters around and the whole cheater paranoia is kinda overrated, but fab would fulfill the requirements of one

A lot of people care about the game, fab is one of them.

Fab would fullfill what requirements? that the leaders of the witchhunt has set? The community made the 'fab situation' one that suits the requirements, not fab:P
how hard is it for u to understand? Nooby had the same ip exactly on the same day as fab used the ip on xfire. So that's a very clear case.

To me he is a random in 3on3, if he has never even looking for a 3on3 HIGH skill prac nor has played one. No one I asked has ever played a 3on3 aganst him, and I asked ppl who play high skilled 3on3 pracs on a daily basis.

Some ppl think playing EC is the end to one's randomness, but I don't agree totally on that..

Fab fulfills the requirements meaning, he came out of nowhere (owning many high 3on3 teams now without ever playing a high skilled 3on3 game). There are many suspicious scenes by him from ONE game. He acts like a haxer having stuff like "no red triangles in yawn" in his profile. In-game he plays like nirv, otherwise kinda crappy, but when needed he gives the 3hs so that they win the map. I can name u a lot more of these if u didn't get what I mean yet..
Quotehow hard is it for u to understand? Nooby had the same ip exactly on the same day as fab used the ip on xfire. So that's a very clear case.

To me he is a random in 3on3, if he has never even looking for a 3on3 HIGH skill prac nor has played one. No one I asked has ever played a 3on3 aganst him, and I asked ppl who play high skilled 3on3 pracs on a daily basis.

Some ppl think playing EC is the end to one's randomness, but I don't agree totally on that..

Fab fulfills the requirements meaning, he came out of nowhere (owning many high 3on3 teams now without ever playing a high skilled 3on3 game). There are many suspicious scenes by him from ONE game. He acts like a haxer having stuff like "no red triangles in yawn" in his profile. In-game he plays like nirv, otherwise kinda crappy, but when needed he gives the 3hs so that they win the map. I can name u a lot more of these if u didn't get what I mean yet..

How hard is it for you to understand, we haven't actually seen any evidence of that.

Fab did not come out of nowhere, I've seen his skill evolve over the years.
At first we searched for low skilled wars(when we were still in the same clan together).. then after a while, low+, later on med-/med, months later med/med+ and we even played some high matches right before I quit ET, not much and we lost most of the time.

It's not that hard for me to imagine they all got better within that year... Shouldn't be to hard for you too.
killerboy said that an admin (think frop) checked the ip and he used that ip exactly on the day here in xfire when nooby got busted, so that's very clear evidence.

Still, I emphasize, he hasn't played any high skill match vs a dozen guys that play high skill pracs on a daily basis, and yet he owns all high skill teams I can think of... what do u make of that?
Quotekillerboy said that an admin (think frop) checked the ip and he used that ip exactly on the day here in xfire when nooby got busted, so that's very clear evidence.

Still, I emphasize, he hasn't played any high skill match vs a dozen guys that play high skill pracs on a daily basis, and yet he owns all high skill teams I can think of... what do u make of that?

There is no evidence that fab went on crossfire with that ip, an admins word is not exactly evidence.

practice practice practice, and yes, even vs high skill teams
what is evidence if admin's word isn't :o ? well I guess he can show some data about it as well

if they played vs high skill teams, how is it possible none of the guys I asked (playing high skill games daily) has ever played vs them?
Quotewhat is evidence if admin's word isn't :o ? well I guess he can show some data about it as well

if they played vs high skill teams, how is it possible none of the guys I asked (playing high skill games daily) has ever played vs them?

Actual data, logs, exactly how the admins supposedly found out, make the data public.

Hooray for ignorance... that you don't see any elephants running around in your neighbourhood doesn't mean they don't exist.
ask frop about it... and prolly killerboy got the data as well... I don't have it
Have asked frop allready.
u only think hes oviou because he owned you -.-
now that's kinda lame thing to say :D

I had more dmg than him, that's what I played for !

and tell me one team that he wouldn't own then

have never heard of any of these people :o(
no one has heard of you :|
then i welcome you as a newschooler to the site
10months :&
who cares your a admin, im a player :>
my goodness, you just get better and better
This is a new quote tbh..

emortal on 17/04/08, 21:01:38 Del | Edit | Nuke | PM | Reply

no one has heard of you :|

foonr is a myth on xfire.
noone heard about kenta too!
What does it matter that you never heard of them?
1. who would spoof a random beltard who has started playing et not even a year ago... just tell me how is it possible to spoof pbguid?
2. he even acts like a hacker (watch that profile... he's stupid as lAguna "no red yawn =)" )
3. those actions in ETTV/avi's were bit too obvious
Quote1. who would spoof a random beltard who has started playing et not even a year ago... just tell me how is it possible to spoof pbguid?
2. he even acts like a hacker (watch that profile... he's stupid as lAguna "no red yawn =)" )
3. those actions in ETTV/avi's were bit too obvious

Apparently, some guy named NooBy, and dude, fab has been playing for around 3 years, get it into your head!

That's the lamest thing ever, I could say KiLl3rBoY acts like a hacker he's doing all these 'busts' to cover up for himself!

Holy shit even you had good days, absurd frags, everyone has, those avi's proof he's got some fragmovie material, not that he's a cheater.
There is NO proof that fab played 3 years
I have some...:) TS conversation from a few years back..

Been banned from that teamspeak server ever since...
only a ?recorded? TS conversation, i mean there is no normal proof that he played 3 years, Yawn, (clean/caught PBBANS) etc
He played under a different name before, why do you doubt wether he has played for so long? I know he has played for so long, I've been there all along, he has been in noumeress clans.
and that name was?
you must be croatian? that could make things clear about your stupidy...

yeah i know ppl has good days... i guess Fab had very nice day... dreaming about days when my movements would look like humanized.. Fab's day has to were like, he won jackpot in lottery, fucked swimsuit models 24/7, won olympic gold medal in men's 100m and won Champions League alone.... damn it was a great day

plz cmon... get out from his ass rly.. can see only your toes!

all "proofs" says that Fab is hacking..

btw about those ETTV/avi actions... do you have a dog? sounds weird when a blind guy is walking without a guide-dog

you must be croatian? that could make things clear about your stupidy...

Lolled @ that. :D
Quoteyou must be croatian? that could make things clear about your stupidy...

yeah i know ppl has good days... i guess Fab had very nice day... dreaming about days when my movements would look like humanized.. Fab's day has to were like, he won jackpot in lottery, fucked swimsuit models 24/7, won olympic gold medal in men's 100m and won Champions League alone.... damn it was a great day

plz cmon... get out from his ass rly.. can see only your toes!

all "proofs" says that Fab is hacking..

btw about those ETTV/avi actions... do you have a dog? sounds weird when a blind guy is walking without a guide-dog


First of, flaming is not gonna help.

Is that you trying to say someone got lucky?

Out of his ass? Very childish man, I'm trying to defend someone who has not been proven to be a cheater, I'm quite baffled by the fact that nobody else is seeing how KiLl3rBoY's behaviour could hurt the community.

All proofs say some guy named NooBy was cheating, not that Fab was cheating.

I'm not even gonne comment on that last part...
in from thread killerboy said that in same day (same ip) Fab has posted a comment in xfire and also got caught by pb ( action)

so what's so special to protect? is he paying for you?
n1ce attitude to protect losers... been mr.failer from the day when you borned? after that been bullied all your years into this day?
Quoten1ce attitude to protect losers... been mr.failer from the day when you borned? after that been bullied all your years into this day?

Does not compute.
you are obviously finnish
you're obviously using old jokes coz too retard to think new one... but anywat nice try.. i almost lol'd =) i would flame but coz you're croatian i have pitty on you!
I'm not even trying to be funny, I'm just stating the fact, you've already proven you're dumb as a tablecloth so no point in going there again
then you're sherlock
SUPPORT KILLERBOY, hes the only one who does something for this shitty community
busting non cheaters rly helps this community
you have no idea what he has done or what he is at least trying to do
As if I'm not doing anything for the community? and I'm not even part of it anymore.
instead of flaming him, help him
I'm in the ETACE dev team.

I'm not flaming him anymore then he is flaming fab.
its really hard to bust a cheater. first he must be really obvious/suspicious, to have demos, yawn, pbbans etc, and ONLY then people can start checking him whether he cheats or not. killerboy putting pressure on people who are suspicious seems healthy for this community to me
I appreciate anyone trying to bust cheaters, but KiLl3rboy is obessing over previous.
i concur, but so was sherlock (obsessive) =)
Sherlock is fictional.
je bent wel een ex clanmate en mate van fab
Indeed, ex-clanmate, and indeed, mate.

I'm not defending fab because he is my friend, I'm defending him because everyone is labeling him a cheater whereas there is no proof(yet?) that the person that killerboy busted - NooBy - is fab.
cry more dude :D

isn't it kinda obvious u only do this because he is your boyfriend
Quotecry more dude :D

isn't it kinda obvious u only do this because he is your boyfriend

Sigh, very mature man, very mature..
just stating the obvious
Don't get what is so obvious to you, doesn't make any sense at all.
obvious is, he is your friend, u don't see/want to see him haxing, u defend him... I don't think u would care at all if he wasn't your friend, or at least u wouldn't attack guys like killerboy
Quoteobvious is, he is your friend, u don't see/want to see him haxing, u defend him... I don't think u would care at all if he wasn't your friend, or at least u wouldn't attack guys like killerboy

He is my friend in deed, but think about this; what would be in it for me to defend him? I quit ET a long time ago, I haven't read crossfire in ages, and all I get right now are 'you are retarded' replies.

True if it was anyone else I would probably never have noticed such a 'bust', because - as I said - I don't read crossfire that much anymore.

I'm doing this because I'd hate to see anyone being labeled - or worse, banned - for cheating even tho there isn't enough proof to be sure he actually is a cheater besides some jpeg's and an .avi file, wich really can't be held as evidence.
why don't u just let guys like bulldog decide if he hax or not.. it doesn't really matter how much effort u put to this matter in here. Eg. when a long time friend of mine, crew, got busted for wh, I didn't spend my days writing defensive journals about him. I just accepted the situation, he got banned, served his ban and is playing again (and I think he is clean now).
I am letting them decide, I'm just telling that right now, there simply isn't enough proof.
but there is... and anyway u are not to tell if there is enough proof or not, it's totally on them to decide
Quotebut there is... and anyway u are not to tell if there is enough proof or not, it's totally on them to decide

There is no proof that fab went on crossfire with the same ip.

There is said to be proof of that but only the admins can acces it... if it is true they should not hold back evidence or they could as well ban me saying they have evidence only admins can acces that I murdered and raped 1337 frogs.
tired to reply the same stuff in 3 places
Yeah TosspoT sux...
frightened my ass of
That still doesn't explain why he holds a grudge against the players named above.
All I gotta say is Keep on sherlocking KiLl3rBoY!
seen only part 1... so creepy...
I have to say that killerboy DIDNT fail this time. The bust is right. So fab's clanmate's get over it. THX
I'm not his clanmate.

He proved that some guy cheated, not that that guy is FAB.
ye and you can spoof Pbguid:D ?
The pbguid wasn't fabs, Fab once had the same IP as the guy proven to be a cheater, but his IP is dynamic.
leave fab alone, pluss hellgast and bigsmoke


all your "busts" are doing is making you unpopular.
He will always be popular to me!
These journals about killerboy are getting annoying!
It was for arguments sake, I never actually said that...
ban him from crossfire
only ones who are actually defending fab are his clanmembers + 1 or 2 randoms, enough for me
im defendind and im random <<333
no, you're his clanmember
now that wouldnt be very fair, would it?
im neutral on this and im known highskiller <<33
lanproof or gtfo =)
do lans @ friends home count?
only if killerboy is around
I'm not his clanmember, and wether someone is random is relative to the person, you are random to me, fatal1ty might be random to a random asian who might be random to stermy who might be random to etc etc
exactly, thats why i said randoms

still, there are way more people that would like to see him banned, including me
still, there are way more people that would like to see him banned, including me

That's not any argument to justify a ban...
just said how things are!
i think you should at least give killerboy a break, at least he does something for this community. maybe he will get some wrong, maybe fab ISNT hacking, but even i can say some of those shots look dodgy but some dont... so you cant really blame the guy for trying to help out.
You're saying that as if I'm not doing anything for the community.

We should ASSUME fab isn't hacking until it is proven he is.
If that never happens, tough luck for killerboy, but fab will allways be labeled a cheater.

I think some of RaZiels shots look dodgy, some of your shots look dodgy, those once every thousand frags everyone makes look dodgy.
"You're saying that as if I'm not doing anything for the community."
not at all, its just a general thing that alot of people flame while they have done fuck all.

in all honesty if people get so "up in arms" about fab's "bust" then people will be just as happy to flame killerboy when he is wrong, so people will notice.

imo untill proved guilty or not there will ofc be some people thinking oh he hacks but, if killerboy fucks up people are just as happy throwing it in his face, so imo people will realise Fab doesnt hack.
its not like crossfire doesnt like looking for fuckups :D
I'm not flaming, am I?:p

Innocent till proven guilty is what I believe in, but fab's allready got the label of cheater, and will never get rid of it.
:D well anything around the words "busted, hacker, omgkillerboymadeanotheravi"

will get attention but things like " "
dont exactly help Fab's case :D
Actually, it proofs that some guy named NooBy cheated.

Fab has a dynamic IP, it hasnt(yet?) been proven that NooBy is fab, as KiLl3rBoY said, can't spoof pbguids?:)

I'm sure there are dozens more 'cases' like this one.
well, we will see. i can hope that it wont stop there with it only half finished, other wise yes sadly Fab will always be seen as a cheater i assume that killerboy will be following it up with everything else thats possible
he is just biased and afraid that his mate gets busted
i must admit i think the rock on east against you I THINK looked really fucking dodgy. :/
I kinda laughed when seeing that.. the other scenes weren't that special but that one just can't be true :p
:D ye thats the only one that made me laugh
You do realize that that is not an actual clan right?:p
Great job killerboy - fu random whiner.
Killerboy is good boy, you're just trying to defend your mate but sad for you - the bust is real. So get used to it and get honest friends.
Actually, is hasn't (yet?) proven that the guy who was cheating is fab.

You are biased.
Killerboy is good boy, you're just trying to defend your mate but sad for you - the bust is real. So get used to it and get honest friends
It's somehow funny...

All these guys who are defending this retard called "Fab" are 15-16 year old :-----D

Try to face it - he's hacking!

ps. If he has been playin' for 3 years - show me his former YAWn entry then!
Actually, is hasn't (yet?) proven that the guy who was cheating is fab.

You are biased.
Ohh my gosh, do you think they didn't check the guids before tryin' to bust him? :D

Everyone isn't mentally challenged like you & co
Actually I have considered all current evidence.
Okay. Anyway, why are you defending him 24/7 if you are so sure that he isn't a hacker?

If he doesn't hack people will be told about it.
yes but looking at the moment they wont go into great depth about this because its gunna make no olds about if he gets busted because people will use that as an exscuse not to play agiast him. btw be fair the avi's weren't ovious at all..
About the case - it's freakin' obvious. :D I don't say you couldn't shoot 3hs but the crosshair movements are showing he's most likely using an aimbot.

And I didn't judge him because of that avi, but there were more proofs shown yesterday (pbbans site)
To try and 'protect' his reputation.
What do you mean? that the pbban ip matches?
We have no proof of that(yet?).
lol nice mate nice :D
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