Hide and Seek v.GetYourSpots

Well as some of you know, probably over 60 of you...

#increased Hide and Seek will be going back to a 24 or 26 slot server with 6 reserved slots.

So what this post is about is I want the people that think they "attend" enough of these events and think they deserve a spot this weekend, I want them to PM me (not Noodle) HERE, NOT on IRC (With your actual ingame name so I know who you are) , and I'll take names down - Then after this I'll pick the 6 that show up the most / we like the most.

And to let you all know - Fab probably will be playing and if you don't want to play with him, don't show up.

This goes for both tomorrow night, and saturday night, so pick which night when you PM me, or pick both, but you might not get one on both :)
well what night are you doing it ?
image: 11659_XDDDDDDDDsounds good :)
why u give a cheater to play? just ruins the game
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