Help plox

I has extreme fps drops from 100 to 30 and when it drops it stays there.

It causes by et.exe high cpu usage and one of the processes PnkBstrA.exe or PnkBstrB.exe which cause an influence on et.exe process.
If I kill one of the PnkBstr processes I get stable 100 fps for like 5 minutes but after I get kicked for no PnkBstr processes or something, it's definitely PunkBuster.

Already tried defrag, pb_sleep 400, pb_system 0, lower priority but nothing helps.

Any solutions or ideas of causes?
restart pc / changed priority CORRECTLY?
Quoteprocesses PnkBstrA.exe or PnkBstrA.exe

wheres your PnkBstrB.exe ?!?! .. I know I'm funny guy.

Your system specs plz ? or how much you have memory ?

Sometimes PnkBstrB start to use 30-60% CPU and ~60Mb memory and that causes terrible lag.. and I have tried those cmds well and came to answer that theres not solution for that. I think that the PBA.exe is some system thing and the B is some scann or something..
What do you mean where? when the game starts so PnkBstrA.exe starts as well, I has 2GB.
It was bad joke (you wrote twice same process) :(

Well I think that you shouldnt have problems with memory usage of PnkBstr*.exe files.. with 2Gb.. dunno about your cpu and other stuffz.. I got really old and bad components so thats why I am lagging .. :(
reinstall et
Delete all your stats, demos and screenshots?
Dno if it really helps..
yeh and maybe if you use some script which makes alot cvarbackup files (example 180 degrees turn script) delete those.. dunno =)
or simply /b_backupcvars 0 :B
yea but if he is using backupz
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