strange error-message

hey there again.

has anyone seen this b4? what is causing it?

image: eterrorri8

strange error, i never saw. I'm posting this for an ET-buddy, cuz he is not registered here yet.
would be nice if anyone could help

thx in advance

*edit*: error first occured when a new map was loading, after that it always shows this...
I never saw it before lolz,actually I cant see anything
Cant see pic!

edit. now its there :<
its a gfx driver issue foshooo

hanzooooooooooooooooomannn i lieb dia
ic hlieb edic h!!!!! (my personal secret language..)
Decrypted by the super genious aka the beautiful mind aka mens0!
argh, now i have to think bout a new one. EVEN MORE GENIUS!!! muhahahah
I sometimes think people's first reaction when they get an error message whether it be windows or a program of some sort is to post on crossfire before they even try to fix it.. Why o why :|
because its faster than trying????
why beeing so mean, sir? i was about to try to help this young padawan and i thought that the experience of the community is way bigger than my own, understand?

nice hax hiding
very nice hax hiding
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