Beer on my Qpad

i know i know poor beer :<.

Can i throw my Qpad away or can i still save it? how to clean it etc?

any tips :<<???
poor qpad :<
poor qpad :<
suck it dry
turn it around
holy shit! put that cellphone away!
I opened my bottle and walked away. i thought it didn't spill over. when i got back 30 sec later it was all on my poor qpad :<
i do feel your pain, kai :<
why not put the bottle anywhere else?
the part with beer won't be playable anymore i think. try to wash it, but be careful. Dont use too much soap etc. I had same situation with my qck. Washing didnt help for me.
more of your quality english, please. i need some entertainment!
yes, im sorry. have fun ;)
same foonr as my dad ;DDDDDDDDD
washin machine
no but its an idea, who gives a shit, u only live once!
only read the topic.

garbage ->
noooooooo hes still so young :<
dont you have a heart?
I'd try putting it in the washer... prolly the lowest temp avi... Its ruined as it is, you got nothing to lose really! Wish you luck
there's glue, sticks material with rubber.
it will dry...or use something to clean the spot...not whole pad
Using my Faithful corepad again now.
Just washed my qpad with some water hoping it will dry and doesn't stick to much...

Can laugh about this is porlly the worst thing that happened to me in the last year. So no biggy :D
use some medium warm water and just let it dry, beer is harmless
can i dive it in fully?
no, just use some wet soft cloth thingy, don't wet it too much and only rub the spot with beer on it
did you steal my airport express??!!

Quote by foonr's facebookOliver cant find airtunes :o(.
11 hours ago edit
how stupid ppl can be?!
care about the qpad but wtf?! waste of alcohol... you should be killed coz of that!
I spilled Sprite all over my Steelpad 5L twice and its fine.
this is why you get a blakc Qpad xD
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