best acceler

Yesterday I was bored and i wanted to watch some ettv but i couldnt find any extrame highskilled games so i decided to watch some oldscool (or not) demos from this site:
It was a nice idea but i didnt know who to download cuz i want to 'learn' not just spec some stlye.

My question is:
Who is the best player who use mouseaccel? Cuz i really want to check out how he plays and how he moves his mouse. Thank your opinion and help !

random laugh video:
i dont know,but still gl:)
nonix is the best player who use mouseaccel
raziel???????? perfo (when he still used accel) ????????
nonix is the most known (and only) skiller with accel
I know darkie was playing with accel but i cant find demos from darkie
plus he never played with hitsounds i guess
what hitsounds has to do with this Oo
i dont want to watch demos without them :P
you can toggle them on from console when watching the demo :P
^not in the old ones i think
Russia hypnotix
i use accel!
or dnt use proper non-accel
lettu plays with accel :O
I don't use accel. :,(

Germany Hatred best accel user
accel is pwnage in CoD4. I think it was ganon or shewie that was really ownage with accel.
ya he used that accel, very well.
why should use accel when highsens is made!
I only know that nonix uses it
nonix is the best player who uses mouseaccel!
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