Amsterdam trip

Hey all you Dutch players. Im going to Amsterdam in Juny and i wanted to ask you some questions.

whats the age-limit for:
1) alcohol
2) weed
3) nightclubs

other suggestions?

16 for beer etc, 18 for liquor
usually 21, sometimes 18 if you're lucky
Age: 17 ( 20 September 1990 )

you are fucked
care, ill hack thrue the security :0
Play ET! :D
1 16 but 15%< u need to be 18
2 no clue, 18 or somehting..
3 depends on what club..
how much costs the local sluts?
1) alcohol 16 AND 18 for drinks with more alcohol
2) weed 16 to use. 18 to get.
3) nightclubs 16/17/18/21 Depending on the club where you're going. But they don't check id allot. Atleast not in my hometown.
1) alcohol = 16, for heavy liquor it's 18
2) weed = 18
3) nightclubs = depends on club

but 1 tip, amsterdam sux, gl hf ;D
You can get weed on every age ,

cmon its holland
well some kids found some drugs last year (they were 6/7 years old) and they 'used' it and got sick xD
Waarom vind ik nooit datsoort dinge :<
thanks for info

luckily mu mates are 18 ;>
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