<< vs i am

what happened?

did personallity get raged? by previous "hacks"

or what?

or did personality win ?
4 Previous 2 Personality Team
LIES! Check this out ffs :S (url)
1st map ezbash but got hacked on 2nd and 3rd map, no big deal
watched supply, saw previous getting raged by personality, left

now I see it's 4-2, interesting, zero to hero in 2 maps?
you didn't win easily, you were shit (NO OFFENSE), it's just that we don't pracc 6on6
get rid of lun4tic and let's try try again!

but yes, you (CLAN) did beat us
haha, you ragekicked us ;<
LOL nice rewind nicklame, bastards
doubt so

anyway, it was kinda obvious we didn't practice at all :/
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