best kebab?

Today ill eat a fat nice meal of kebab! I love kebab in bread with alot of garlicsauce and vegetables! <3

what kind of kebab do u guys think is the best? :D

many kebab kisses! <3
best kebab in be!
olo viens a grenoble
prolly maavi or pizza taxi @ vuosaari if u know what i mean
ye kebab pizza is also very teasty :D
gyros >>>>>> kebab
not really, omg
second that i had a big plate of gyros yesterday at a greek restaurant
was fucking fantastic
teh number 1 question regarding gyros: with or without tzatziki?
so true, theres nothing better than eating gyros in greece on a restaurant near the beach
+1 as gyros always tastes yummy....
kebab just ususualy :D
prepei na pas tourkia gia na fas alithino kebab =)
The more meat it has the better tastes it D:
and it needs to be fresh and random stuff
My diet is limited to Chinese and Pizza for a reason. I don't eat your cheap sand.
nice one hiding your identity :(
amber if u're looking for chinese food, eat crod XD hahaa :D
Ask TanQ
he knows
there's no best kebab because every kebab tastes like a piece of shit
lol how can u not like kebab? xD seriously.. :(
lol nice replyskills :P
1. i just dont like it, it doesnt taste good imo
2. you stink out of your mouth after you ate it
3. its turkish
kebab in bread = profanation!!!!
armenian sašlõkk with beer is way better :)
I still remember my first kebab like yesterday. We were traveling from The Netherlands to the Czech Republic and were looking to get something to eat in Germany. Maybe because it was the first I ever had I liked it so much, but anyway:
- Plenty of fresh salad
- Decent amount of meat
- Bread which is slightly grilled & not to thick
- Garlic sauce
kebab in belgium > all
see the only thing thats need to have a great kebab is ofc kebab and garlicsauce! :D:D
many vegetables good meat "crossy" bread and really hot&spicy <333
oriental @ zwolle
do not forget feta cheese!
dart, feta cheese with RED garlic is fucking nice xD
Israeli,duh..we invented it,rest are fakez.
pizza > kebab > all
pizza with pitta or kebab imo , mmmm
mit alles
mit ohne alles
Waiting for Turkey Razzah's opinion :)
He's the master of kebabs!!1
Its dirty stinky rat meat
donner kebab > *
donner > *
yeh, döner kebab is the shit.
yufka ftw
meat only.-
Die wichtigsten Sätze
Quote * "mit oder ohne scharf"
* "mit oder ohne Schaf"
* "mit alles"
* "mit alles außer Sose?"
* "beide mit Sose?"
* "mit viel scharf"
* "Ayran dazu?"
* "drei euro funfzig"
* "Kövte im Teller?
* "Bisch du Arschloch oder was?"
* "Döner Salat und alles?
* "Döner mit ohne Tzatziki"
* "Döner ohne alles?"
* "Mit oder ohne Brot?"
* "Zum mitnehmen oda was?"
* "Das is kein Haar, das is vom Zwiebel"
once i bought a gyros from a mexican guy on the street, he asked if i wanted spices on it. i immediately replied yes, in fact i always loved pepper and stuff... and in the end it was so fucking hot that i had to throw the whole thing away, coz my whole tongue was burned by the sauce
Aladins Sperma Kebab
är det gott slajdan? :)
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