HB IronFist

Today is the day when our beloved founder of the most evergreen ET clan ever been turns a one step closer to the middleaged man. It's the 37th birthday of Finland Pasi "IronFist, Dr.Love" Kauppinen and as a thank for all these years we, #CTN.et community, want to thank you and wish you the very best birthday!

Becouse I was just a little kid when I joined the #CTN.et crew almost four years ago, you have always been like a second father to me and we've shared many many happy and bitter moments in time.

Since Pasi is really a unique person, I'd like to share with the whole crossfire community something what our #CTN.et community members think about IronFist.

Quote by seven_dcIronFist has always been the guy who I like the most in our clan. He's really colorfull as a person and he has the same exploding characteristics as I do. He's also like a big brother to me, taking care and he's someone who I can open up and share my worries. I really want to thank him for these moments and wish him a happy birthday!

Quote by celluxPasi has always been the supporting force in our society and althought he has moved to play the ET:QW, he still keeps cheering us and always takes care that we handle and manage our games professionally.

Quote by ReikkeriPasi.. Such a nice chap, I've NEVER heard him saying a bad word about someone. He is always happy and full of joy. If his any close like that in real life, he's really a guy I'd like to work with.

image: cake


t. #CTN.et[/i]
quite a man he is

hb mate, I love you =)
Happy B!
Thank You all of your kind words!

Just another year wasted by playing with computer and drinking beer. :)
Grats Man! Come here and we'll have something stronger than you! ;<
onnee ironfistille
Hienoja sanoja, hieno mies. Paljon onnea!
Hb IronFist !
HB & GL @ EC
had to be a tard didnt u
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PASI our old and wise ETQW clan leader :P

Now lets sing a song:

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Pasi
Happy Birthday To You
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