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im a motivated low+/Med- player( i dont know for sure but i got a decent aim i think )

im online most of the time on:

mondays: between 6-10
tuesdays: not a lot maybe one hour in the evening
wednesdays: quite a lot
thursdays: same as tuesday
Fridays: between 6-10
Saturdays: in the evening
sundays: in the afternoon or in the evening

i m just looking for a nice med- clan where i can become better:-)( 3vs3 and also 6vs6 would be nice but i play 3vs3 the most )
So No whiners, hackers, or clans with no teamplay!

(I dont whine)
(I dont ego quit)

pm me here on cf!(bnc not always trustworthy:D)

cg_flame 1
cg_forums 1
i see after 1 year, 2 months and 11 days you found the forums.
Next time i will use the forum master!
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