New Project Incoming(Fraghighlights+ GER ALLOWED)

Hi Crossfire guys n girls

I want to present you a little project im planing atm.
So here is a short version of it:

Do you watch soccer? and do you know the thingje "The Goal of the Week"?
I want to creat something like that for W:ET called "The Frag of the Week".
It would work like this:
Alot of ppl would send our little crew(around 5 guys atm) some demos of their frags which they have to proof they made it in that week.
we dont take demos from random mIRC wars or mixes, we want you to proof us(with links etc) that this frag was made in a official war.

so for e.g we get 25 demos of differen ppl our little crew would decide wich are the best 10 of them and we would put them together in a clip. you would download the clip and vote your "frag of the week".after 4 frags the the week we could also let you vote the frag of the month.

we dont take care about skill, just proof us you made that frag in a official war(CB LADDER OC EC NC ESL LADDER)) whatever.

so and here is my question... do you like that idea? thats not the release of the project cuz we are still planing it i just want to hear some first feedback.

im really sorry for my very bad english.
thanks for feedback Kito
p.s this is serious :)
GOOD IDEA sounds actually class :D
thumbs up
then make a top10 as well would be nice
Thats actually a good idea, Nice contribution to this needing community ! Gl with it.
sounds good, good luck with it :)
sounds good, good luck with it :)
looks nice
ask Fab and co for demos.
im in, but allow random irc wars also
naah thats stupid prolly i would get to much frags, i like it with official's only
I agree with whatever I just didn't read!
that is actually such a good idea that it should be integrated with this site
:) thanks that comment almost makes me cry :')
Nice idea but I think that allot pro's would win faster then the OC 5th skilled people. You can see a 6 man panzerkill against an OC 5th clan. But people would still say the 3 man panzerkill vs some EC is better.
ye thats one pretty hard thing with pros and no pros, but we will see :)
I won our little game, nub :D
ich wusste das du das machen olltets ich wollte echt shcon offline gehen :D aber dann bin ich mitm mauszeiger wida in die mitte und dann hab ich gelesen und dann wars zuspät :D
blalbalbal :<
Like the idea, I would say ETTV matches only, that would make it easier for you. Furthermore doing a great frag on ETTV is better than a clanwar nobody could talk about. It should be like the goal of the month in football. You should all be able to see it and to talk about it after the match.
yep thought about the "ettv thingje only" too , mh lets see im first waiting on some more feedback :)
they have stuff like that in CS

something like top10 frags of CDC / EC / other event would be better?
RISCHTISCH GEIL! ne wirklich, ziemlich gute idee ;D
I suggested that once here on xfire, and yes it's a good idea
Nice idea, I watch soccer wups sorry football, what is a thingje?

As Germany bo says though, ETTV matches would be a lot easier.

Good luck with it, nice idea.
kito you are a sunshine in a dark day =)
Good idea but a lot of work!
Nice idea! Good luck with that one :)
<3 Kito ;) good idea!
had the idea for et:qw some weeks ago...asked sd if they can provide some prizes like tshirts or signed games..but no reply yet ;((

gl with it... would be very cool ;)
Kito, now name the crew plox :>
Nice idea :)
Good idea. You could expand it to "highlights of the week" too, nice capture, awesome defuse, last second securing, screw ups etc.

And I like the idea about not to use only high/ETTV -wars, people will see them anyway.

Go for it!
gL kidow o:
Nice idea, would be nice if you guys keep it up tho
good one

but i wont make it ettv only... e.g. if you check top 10 goals in soccer there are often very nice goals from 2nd or 3rd league... you wont get these into consideration when you make it ETTV only =) simply alot more demos that can be submitted if not ETTV only
good idea
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